Bostonian Buffoonery: Gentry Class Opposes Atlantic Bridge

Bostonian Buffoonery: Gentry Class Opposes Atlantic Bridge

Two gentry class senators from Massachusetts, living in Washington, want to stop the Atlantic Bridge pipeline project and let their voters back home freeze.

Are there two more smug condescending gentry class members of the US Senate then Edward Markey and Elizabeth Warren? No. These two Bostonian buffoons have sold their souls to radical environmentalist causes and they’ve opposed every effort to bring more natural gas to Massachusetts and the rest of New England. They prefer Boston and such continue to rely upon foreign imports of LNG, while they sleep comfortably in Washington DC.

Their latest maneuver, clearly choreographed by their fractivist supporters, is to challenge a recent FERC certificate issued for the Atlantic Bridge pipeline project by arguing the loss of a FERC quorom denies opportunities for appeals. It’s a silly stunt in the mold of the Delaware Povertykeeper’s attempts to stop new FERC appointments. It won’t go anywhere but it pleases the radical base that donates to their campaigns, so they’re more than willing to sacrifice the comfort of their ordinary constituents. If Boston’s history of snowstorms is any guide they could be sorry, although as all pols do, they’ll reverse course and blame others at that point.

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