A BOSS or a LEADER - which one are you?
I have been in the industry since last 4-5 years roughly and in this span of time, I have come across a fair share of mentors and managers. While being a manager has a lot o do with the designation, being a mentor is more about teaching & learning at the same time.
Today, no matter which industry you work in, it is important that you understand what separates a Boss from a Leader and a Mentor from the Manager. At times, if you are fortunate enough, they will overlap but needless to say, eventually, you will be able to find the difference.
- Boss knows, a leader shows: If you are around a superior who likes to boss around, he is mostly going to sound like "Mr/Ms. Know it all" and yet there wouldn't be any concrete proof of his or her achievement. On the other hand, a leader would be keen on setting an example and living by it.
- Boss demands, a leader commands: If your superior is a leader more than a boss, you will find yourself following his instincts & commands without a question! Well, that doesn't mean you possess blind faith towards your leader, it simply means that over a period of time he or she has earned the right to command you.
- Boss instructs, a leader steps up: Its a weekend, the only day you want to chill and do nothing but relax. Your phones beep and there are urgent tasks to be done by someone if not you. If you are under a boss, the line of communication is simple - "Get it done." On the contrary, a leader will always attempt to cover it for you simply because he/she understands that as a leader his role is not only to instruct but sometimes to step up!