?? Be the Boss or Be the Employee ??

?? Be the Boss or Be the Employee ??

The story goes like this. Your cellphone bill goes up. Your internet bill goes up. Your credit card bills go up. Your gasoline prices go up. Your rent goes up. You ask your boss for a raise, and your boss replies: “I’m sorry, but the economy is very tough now. Nobody is getting raises this year. However, we really appreciate the work you do.”

The boss quits work early for his afternoon golf game, leisurely leaving the parking lot in his new Mercedes.

The boss come in the next day and says to you, “I don’t know how we could get along without you, but starting Monday, we are going to try.”

Not exactly what we want to hear as an employee. But

The MORAL of the story: “You can be the boss, or you can be the employee.”

Wouldn’t it be great to have a part-time business as a little security in case this conversation happens to you?

What would earning just half of your current salary do for you in a part-time Network Marketing business? Wouldn’t it make you feel better and more secure?

You might feel so confident with that extra part-time income that whenever the boss asked you to do something, you might consider it just a…SUGGESTION!

You feel great when you HAVE OPTIONS. You don’t have to earn a fortune to dramatically change your life and your happiness in Network Marketing.

The salary of your job pays the mortgage, the car payment, the taxes, food, shelter, clothing and the basic expenses of life.

At the end of the month what is left? For some people, a few dollars. For other people, nothing. And for most people, the salary didn’t cover everything….so they have to use credit cards to make up the difference.

Yes, many people are going into debt, deeper and deeper every month.

So, let’s look at what that extra part-time income means to people with a salary.

·       Now they can make the minimum payments on their credit cards.

·       Now they have spending money in their pocket or purse when they go out.

·       Now they can start paying down their debts.

·       Now they can pay off their college loans before age 80.

·       Now they can start a savings account or college fund.

You get the idea…

Boss or employer? Which is it for you?

I show people how to make more money than their boss. If you’d ever like to know how, I’ll be glad to show you. Book a time on my calendar for us to talk over a zoom video call. Here is the link: ?? https://go.oncehub.com/dalemoreau

Network Marketing for Your Hometown.

Don’t be lost with what to say to friends, family, relatives and coworkers. Now you have a book to teach word-for-word exactly what to say. "Network Marketing for Your Hometown": https://www.amazon.com/dp/1072314134/.

LinkedIn for Network Marketing.

If you are serious about growing your business using the power of LinkedIn to generate super high-quality leads, make a ton of sales and enroll new team members, I highly recommend the book "LinkedIn for Network Marketing." Get it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1796756733/.

Thank you for reading,


Phone: 210-478-6975

My Website: https://dalemoreau.net

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