Borrowing With Pride Will "Up Your Game" With Little At Stake
H.J. Chammas, 4X Best-Selling Author I Publisher
Helping Entrepreneurs and Coaches Publish Their Bestselling Books and Become the Authority in their Field So That They Monetize Their Services
Earlier in my career, I used to work for a giant multinational that was (and still) the market leader in all the categories it operates in. In business planning sessions, we used to follow one mantra - "borrow with pride". The leaders in this organization have been promoting a learning culture by borrowing ideas and best practices from its different categories and businesses and applying them to the others that didn't implement those best practices yet.
A successful business model or innovation does not have to be an all-new idea. Imagine the power of adopting another successful idea and fitting it into your business. This is how consulting firms get paid thousands of dollars to help out companies and executives. The question is: how can this principle be applied to your life and career?
I was once attending a regional conference in Singapore. While country headers were presenting their respective business performance with the learning, the conference head stressed on me that I "steal with pride" an idea that was working well for another country to address issues my business was facing in the country I operated in. A few months later, I wrote the conference head thanking him how his simple advice has turned around my business from being stagnant and not profitable to double-digit growth and a profitable one. This is the power of leveraging other peoples' ideas, knowledge, and expertise!
The key learning is to take something that's already working, adapt it to your business, improve on it, and then see the magic happen. This approach beats the thought process of "reinventing the wheel" and losing lots of resources to arrive at a point that has always been there. Isn't it much powerful to have a solid (and proven) starting point that you can build on it?
Later in my career, after acknowledging the power of leveraging other peoples' knowledge and experience, I was always seeking mentors in the areas of my life where I needed to improve. A mentor can 10X your results by sharing their experience and providing a trust relationship where you can borrow and learn from their experience and models so that you don't lose time and money by trial and error.
Lessons Learned from Borrowing with Pride
In my coaching experience, both as a student and a coach, here are the lessons learned from adopting a mentality of borrowing with pride.
1. Speed of execution:?Having a proven system or strategy to model after it gives you the competitive advantage and the confidence to execute without hesitation and too much analysis paralysis. This speed of execution is crucial to getting the ball rolling, saving time, and growing your business.
2. Taking it to the next level:?Great ideas don't have to be original. If you can use someone else's idea or system and then improve on it, you can take it to the next level. In many examples, we've seen many great ideas have originated from existing ones and still ended up being disruptive and creating a new niche. I've also witnessed many coaching students who have done much better than their coaches by following their models and improving on them for their specific situations. The bottom line doesn’t mind if the original idea wasn’t yours, if it works, it works!
3. Avoid the risk of trial and error:?Many businesses, entrepreneurs, and investors approach problem-solving with multiple attempts until they reach a solution. In this process, they try a method, observe if it works, and if it doesn't, they try a new method. This process is repeated until success or a solution is reached (and if reached). As you can imagine, this is quite a lengthy process that involves losing a lot of resources (time and money) by trial and error. This is where most of the people drop the ball in the middle of the journey out of losing resources, energy, and interest. In brief, they give up. On the other hand, if you borrow with pride, you cut the chase for a solution by trial and error. You start from a solid and proven launch point and use all your energy and resources to get the results you want with much better ROI.
"I Already Know It" Syndrome
There is a natural tendency for us to think "I already know it" for any area of our business or life we would like to improve. This is a self-limiting mindset!
Whenever you catch yourself thinking or saying this, ask yourself these 3 questions:
If you've answered "No" to any of the above questions, then obviously you need someone to guide you to achieve the results you want.
Next Steps
Now that you've appreciated the concept of borrowing with pride, I invite you to reflect on the following:
... H.J. - I've always looked to instil PACE as a standard behaviour within a business. PACE that you feel and can almost touch. "Borrowing with pride" absolutely promotes this behaviour. Thanks for the share - a great read.