Boron is found naturally in many foods consumed by humans on a daily basis. This includes fruits and vegetables such as apple’s, dates, prunes, raisins, and many nuts
This implies that when Rajas and Tamas energies are not normal they cause doshas i.e. deviated mental functions. These twelve doshas are listed as – kaama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (attachment), irshya (jealousy), maan (ego), mada (delusion), shoka (grief), chinta (depression), udweg (anxiety), bhaya (phobia) and harsha (euphoria).
Do you find yourself depleted of physical,emotional and mental strength?
Do you get irritated and angry frequently and easily?
Are you impatient even with your loved ones?
Do you lie awake at nights , tossing and turning worrying about things out of your control?
Do you feel anxious and hopeless ?
Are your relationships getting affected by mood-swings?
- Unhealthy Food Habits and/or Incorrect Lifestyle
- Stressful Family, Work or Social conditions
- Sudden change in situations or a shocking incident
· Chronic illness or injury.
· Emotional problems.
Our mind is regulated by three energies - Satva, Rajah and Tamas. Out of these, the Satva is pure and positive energy which never becomes a cause of any disease. But Rajah and Tamas are very sensitive energies - if their quantum is disturbed or deviated, it can create a condition called 'Altered Nervous Function' - which can lead to many health issues.
There is a shloka in Charak Samhita to explain the effects of Rajah and Tamas:
????????? ???? ????, ???????????? – ????????????????????????????? ?????? (????) ????? ?? ????????
Being healthy does not just mean staying healthy physically. In fact, remaining mentally healthy is as important as living healthy physically. But due to fast moving and competitive lifestyle that we lead today, there is rarely anyone who is mentally sound or healthy.
If you are signalling towards direct indications, then it is meant for anyone who is constantly living under mental stress and who always remains sad.
Secondly, it is also meant for those who get anxiety and palpitation over little issues.
Third indication is if someone gets angry over little things or if someone observes that he is constantly becoming irritable.
Another indication is if someone has a problem with sleeping. The person could not be able to sleep at all, or not able to sleep properly, or even after getting a long sleep he does not feel fresh. In all such situation,
One more problem which is quite common these days is the problem of memory. Moving further, there are some bigger nervous disorders like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, OCD (i.e. obsessive Compulsive Disorder) etc.. In all these conditions
Scientists have just discovered that the disappearance of the trace mineral boron from our diet seems to be the reason osteoarthritis rates have been climbing. They've found that…
In areas where boron is plentiful in the soil and food supply, arthritis rates are nearly zero. But in places where boron is scarce, arthritis rates are quite high. Moreover, people with arthritis tend to be seriously deficient in it.
In fact, one study showed that the levels of boron in arthritic hips were 50% less than in healthy hips.
Boron occurs naturally in the environment due to the release into air, soil and water through weathering. It may also occur in groundwater in very small amounts. Humans add Boron by manufacturing glass, combusting coal, melting copper and through the addition of agricultural fertilizers. The concentrations of Boron that are added by humans are smaller that the naturally added concentrations through natural weathering.
Boron exposure through air and drinking water is not very likely to occur, but the risk of exposure to borate dust in the workplace does exist. Boron exposure may also occur from consumer products such as cosmetics and laundry products.
Plants absorb Boron from the ground and through plant-consuming animals it can end up in food chains. Boron has been found in animal tissue, but it is not likely to accumulate.
The next step was to induce osteoarthritis in laboratory animals — and then give them boron supplementation. To everyone's surprise, the animals' arthritis was stopped in its tracks!
Human trials were then conducted. After just two months, 50% of the arthritis sufferers who received the Boron supplement reported significant improvement in their symptoms.
In a few days of receiving the mineral, every single marker of painful inflammation was significantly reduced in people with arthritis — while it also triggered the rebuilding of cartilage and bone.
This amount of pain relief is amazing for a natural substance in such a short time!
They Combined the Mineral with Glucosamine and Chondroitin
Finally, when the researchers gave a Boron supplement to arthritis patients already taking glucosamine and chondroitin, they got an even bigger surprise...
Those patients displayed an additional 25% boost in pain-reducing, cartilage-enhancing performance. So, if you've taken a glucosamine chondroitin supplement and had no results, a deficiency of boron could be why.
In India alone, over 45 million people are officially reported to be suffering with one or more symptoms of nervous weakness like - Stress, Depression, Anger, Irritability, Sleeplessness, Fear, Anxiety, Hopelessness, Mood-swings, Lack of confidence, Intolerance etc. “
– Dr. P Arora. ... Consultant, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi & Ath Ayurdhamah, Gurgaon
By strengthening your nerves, it helps resolving all nerve related problems like – Anxiety, Nervous Dysfunction, Stress, Anger, Depression, Fear, Palpitation, Phobia, Lack of Confidence, Irritability, Intolerance, Sleeplessness etc.
Here it is also important to understand that using chemical based medication to overcome stress, depression, anxiety or any related problems, only suppress the symptoms temporarily i.e. while being used and also leave a lot of side-effects behind.
The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice .All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.
Thank you … According to some epidemiologic studies, in areas of the world where boron intake is lower (around one milligram or less/day) the incidence of arthritis is significantly higher than in areas where Boron intake is higher (around three to 10 milligrams/day on average).
Human requirement of Boron most likely between 0.5 and 1.0 mg/day; rich food sources include noncitrus fruits, leafy vegetables, nuts, pulses and legumes.
Epidemiological studies were done to try to ascertain why some countries have more or less arthritis than other countries. Jamaica, Mauritius, Fiji and Israel were visited with a view to ascertaining the boron levels of locally consumed food as it was suspected that excessive use of soluble chemical fertilizers had damaged the soils of the sugar producing lands.
Food grown on these soils were found to have low boron levels. By contrast the foods consumed in Israel had high boron concentrations associated with a low incidence of arthritis. South African work has shown that people who eat mostly maize have more arthritis when eating processed maize grown with fertilizer.
Brief reference is made to the role of boron in human diets. There are bound to be geographical differences in dietary boron, but even in the USA levels have dropped considerably in 50 years.
Arthritis is increasing, especially juvenile arthritis. The increased use of fertilizers and genetic selection of plants has led to a wide range of changes in the quality of foodstuffs and their nutrient content. The identification of the parallel loss of Boron may reflect vital changes in trace elements and other nutrients.
Boron in soil is being depleted, and as a result we are not getting enough Boron.
Study Information: Newnham RE.
Boron is required for the maintenance of bone and normal blood levels of estrogen and testosterone; within eight days of supplementing boron women lost 40 percent less calcium, 33 percent less magnesium and less phosphorus through their urine.
Women getting boron supplementation had blood levels of estradiol 17B doubled to 1evels found in women on estrogen replacement therapy,” the at 10 ppm; levels of testosterone almost doubles.
Prog Food Nutr Sci 1993 Oct;17(4):331-349
Do you have a comment for me ?
Your Thoughts……….?
7 年Didn't heard. . How much intake required and which supplements should be taken for it
Advocacy, Corporate & Government Affairs professional. Open to Board postions and selective assignments.
7 年What a fascinating write up. Didn't even know about this mineral till the time of reading your post. Please let me know if Boron supplements are available in India and what is a safe dose without testing.