Born This Way
Glucose Republic
We combine biology and software to help people eat and live better.
Hi there,
We hope this newsletter finds you well and on your way to optimal blood sugar health
1 Blog from us
By: David Haines
With the greatest respect to Lady Gaga, I am borrowing the premise of her song to focus on health.?Because she’s right – we are born this way.
Your genes determine 40-70% of your body weight – the weight your parents are (or were).?So if you’re a man, your Dad was 6 foot 6 and weighed 20 stone, there is a correlation there with what height and weight you are likely to be.?As a clue, you’re not likely to be small.
We were also born this way with regard to our storage of fat.?Here too, our genes play a role we may not realise.?Our ancestors had to know how much fat to store as in less civilised times, they might have to wait a while before they caught something else they could eat.?Today, in the days of large and varied fast food offerings and 24-hour shopping opportunities, this is not so much of a problem.?We know this, but our genes don’t, and our body will remind us to eat something just in case an eating opportunity won’t come along.?This goes some way to explaining the queues at supermarkets on Christmas Eve, as we face the prospect of one whole day where we can’t shop for food.
So, we are stuck with what we are born with.?But what can we do?
It turns out a lot.?The remainder of the body weight (30-60%) depends on the environment in which you live and work.?So if your cupboard is full of processed food, there is plenty of opportunity for weight gain and resulting health issues.?
Who you live with matters a lot too.?A partner who is health conscious matters – you can halve the risk of being overweight if you live in a healthy environment.?Your cupboard was not born this way.
Also, there’s Glucose Republic.?We have no plans to set up a dating agency, but we can let you know what impact food has on you – helping you eat, live and feel better.?This puts you in control of food and not the other way around.
If I knew what the exact answer to all of these diet questions is for each person, I would have retired to my yacht by now.?I don’t own one.?I don’t have the answers, but your glucose does.?To find your individual pathway join the Republic.?We have to do what we can live with and what suits our biology, which we can find out through our own glucose.?Our glucose can tell us we were born this way, and what we can do to manage ourselves as a result. We can eat and live better.
2 Introspective questions for you
??How aware are you of the impact of food on your glucose levels
??How do your energy levels impact your productivity
3 Tips from Glucose Republic
Tip 1: Keep a Food Journal
Keep track of the foods you eat and their effects on your blood sugar levels. This will help you identify patterns and make informed food choices
Tip 2: Incorporate More Fiber into Your Diet.
Fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels
Tip 3: Get Moving!
Physical activity helps regulate blood sugar levels and promotes overall health. Try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise
We hope these tips are helpful and supportive of your journey to better blood sugar health. Stay tuned for more helpful information and tips in our next newsletter!
Best regards,
The Glucose Republic Team
The more we understand, the more we can help inform people about the influence they have over most of their genes. With this information the more engaged we can be with our own health. In the knowledge that we personally have power over our own health outcomes, the more interest we will pay to our health. There are many gaps in the struggling health service today, no fault of those health care providers who are toiling within it. We have to prepared to do some of our own work. Much as I hate a gun analogy, the bullet (gene) may be loaded but that doesn’t mean we have to create the environment to fire it. Epigenetics! There are only very few deterministic, genes, ones where fate is sealed. The rest? With knowledge, personalised feedback, and the some great guidance we can hugely increase the ‘risk’ of living long and living well!!