Born at Night - Not Last Night

Born at Night - Not Last Night


A lot of people cry about politics on LI. However it does effect business so it is relevant and as such allow me to share my two cents.?I would love to know what you think on this as well. I am not judging here but I am stepping back and looking at it from all angles. I have studied people, individually and collectively, government, money, politics, policies, history and markets for the last 40 years.

Someone recently asked in a post - how did this happen? It's Principle as in Law. Always working, never deviates and works for all. You become what you think.

Hate. Pure hate that's it. The CCP and the Democrats hated him more than they cared about anyone's grandma. They don't care about grandma and never have and now you know so the next time they try something like this - #walkaway.

The FACT that they would not give support to American citizens while Trump was in office and then only gave them 1600 dollars while they gave themselves in those relief packages 50k in raises and gave the rest of the world OUR money to do studies the UN wants done says it all for the Democrats.

Here are the details as I see it. Let’s not judge and just look at it.

Trump was a lifelong Democrat. He gave them millions. He helped them?and they poured accolades and awards on him. Then they stopped listening to him and were condescending to him and still expected a check from him. He left. They scream traitor - traitor forever.

They tried all sorts of ways to get to the American people to hate him too. That did not work. No one cared if he had tons of lovers - so did Clinton and so did JFK. It did not effect their work nor his. That was personal and belonged there. Some of it decades old caca.?Something not allowed when Clinton was accused of such actions.

America had decided this already under Clinton.?That is between the man and his family.

Then they just poured out the derision in everything and anything he did - whether it was actually good or not for the citizens of the country didn’t matter.?Trump did it so it has to go. Hate taken to an extreme.

You become what you give attention to - that is principle.

To them he was a traitor and now because of that thinking they became the traitor they claimed him to be. That’s Principle and you can’t escape principle.

So the details.

Democrats started their plan and called in a few favors. They have to win the election. The knew they weren’t going to win it as it stood. The economy was rocking and no one cared if they thought Trump was a traitor and a womanizer. No one was buying what they were selling.

So they call in all globalists - let’s make this a bi-partisan affair. They stole the election as they admitted in detail. They are still waiting for us to say thank you.

Despite all this work they could tell they would still lose. We need a catalyst to take him down. This stealing of the election won't work if we don't have a catalyst.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I have studied history and military history-strategy and tactics all my life and it isn’t rocket science lol.

They go to the CCP and they have a plan to get rid of Trump.

CCP - we will let loose this virus we got here that we have been playing with and it is basically harmless. You guys know all about it. 'Tony' Fauci and Bill Gates can tell you all about it but I think maybe they already have and that is why you are here. We will ‘drop’ it in some way - in the lab or outside the lab. We will close domestic flights out of Wuhan and let international flights go taking it around the world. We will silence anyone that tries to state it is happening in China before it gets around the world so no one will really know where it came from.

Democrats - we will tell the same story and silence anyone who denies it. We will talk it up how it is new and POSSIBLY dangerous. We will use it to win the election and restore the US back to UN rule and stop all this thinking for yourself.

They know the principle. They used everyone and everything they could including allies still in the government agencies to control the narrative.

They know if millions think they will die millions will die and they will blame Trump for it. They also know it won't be the virus killing them so they had to make it look like the virus killed with an extenuating circumstance like heart disease instead of what is logical - they died of heart disease exacerbated by the virus.

CCP will hoard the PPE and sell it later at a nice profit when the demand gets high. CCP gets rid of Trump. It kills two birds with one stone for China. It will wreck the US economy and end support for Trump and make the CCP a nice profit too boot.

Backfired - all of it backfired. Trump saw they closed domestic flights and cut off flights from China not knowing what is actually happening. Better safe than sorry. They screamed of course - you are messing up our plan.

For the Democrats all that mattered is the traitor is gone. They will fix the economy when they return to power and all will hail them as magnificent and him the traitor of America. To them it was a necessary evil.

They actually thought they were doing good - their good - what they think is good for the country. Doesn’t matter if the majority of citizens don’t like it. They are stupid as their prideful confession tells us.

Well stupid is as stupid does and they are the ones being stupid not the citizens. It’s principle. These people seem to think principle applies to others and not themselves but ahh this is how we learn. It applies to all. It does not discriminate. It’s principle.

We ALL figured it out and thank you for the admission and the details confirming what we figured out. The Democrats were so happy they won and they are so proud of themselves they had to tell their story so you would thank them for cheating for you as you are too stupid to know what is good for you.?They were not going to allow the citizens to decide what they want - as democracy is supposed to do.

Well they finally are starting to realize - you won the battle and lost the war.

Not one state in this country will allow such shenanigans again. They will dig in and they will find out what happened in their states and they will ‘fix’ it whether the Dems cry foul or not. Dem citizens want it too. They are angry this group determined the outcome and did not trust they were doing enough to make the election come their way fair and square.

Would you like it if another cheated for you??No because you would realize you did not really win. A shallow victory.

So they won the battle but lost the war in the process. They use the full force of government agency to go after basically innocent people for even being at the capital on Jan 6th.?It is nice to know what they can do with that technology so we can limit it’s use in the future so thanks for that btw! LOL

It’s a summer of love it’s not rioters they paid for and incited to try to murder police they block inside the police station and bother others who expect law and order from their government night after night.

Police vote for Trump. People who want law and order vote for Trump and they gotta go. So they attack police forces around the nation for something that happened in a few places instead of focusing on those places and realizing other places don’t have this problem and if they do they are fixing or have fixed it. NO they are police and they have to go. Same with ICE. Same with the military - we will force them to think our way and those that don’t want to endure that will leave - the Trumpers. Those law and order guys.

They encourage others to shame others to destruction aka a witch trial for just being there and in some cases that person was not even there and their lives ruined over that witch trial.

They walled up the capital to keep people out - they are afraid of them.?It is now a prison for them. No one is going to the capital again while they are there. No one cares that much about them. That does freak them out as you can see. We all see it. They just get louder, meaner, and more stupid.

They tried to say the entire country was up in arms over the election results but even though they ‘expected’ an uprising in every capital in the country - didn’t happen. Much ado about nothing and they showed their card. They lie to the American people hoping to get the response they are lying about and we all know it and walk away now. Now we know - whatever they say it is - it’s the opposite. These people are not worth listening to except to figure out what they are up to. Confession via projection. They scream loudly because no one is listening to them.

They lost the war. Stole the election and pissed off their base and now they only have extremists supporting them and they are few. Loud but still few. I won’t call them educated. Educated people learn to look at angles of something. I don’t care how many letters they have after their name or what college(s) they attended - they are not educated if they don’t look at all angles.

Times are a changing and fixing the supply chain is part of that. If you are an American company and you stay in China to make your products well ok - stupid but ok. Your company. Anyone who uses TikTok etc and products made in China?ok. You don’t care they profile you and use it against you and others and you don’t care if they steal your product. That is the price of doing business in China. Everyone knows it.

You do as the CCP tells you. Been that way since Nixon opened up that market and that in and of itself should make you see this isn’t good for America. You don’t toss a valued democratic partner - Taiwan - for cheap labor. In the end it will bite your ass and yes it has and we don’t like that. Thanks Nixon for a good hard lesson learned.

If you can’t see that the supply chain is now changing, that investment in China is ending and that their BRI is dying opening up new opportunities for others to step in and help out these countries that want to grow - I don’t know what to tell you other than open your eyes and look.

If you can't see that peace in the Middle East was happening and is now toast I don't know what to say to you. If you can't see that illegal immigration is rampant and people are dying from being exploited now that the agreements have been tossed - oh well that's you.

Lots of cheap labor around the world. You don’t have to get it from China. The world itself is bigger than China and we can all walk away from them and wish them the best. They are still learning. Tiananmen Square will happen again and it will be massive - so massive that the army that works for the CCP will turn on the CCP.

Bound to happen. They set that stage up for that to happen in 1989. Today the people of China think the government has lost the mandate of heaven. It took a virus to start that ball rolling so thank you CCP. This is how a tyrant brings himself down. History is full of these stories.

Pride always comes before a fall and the writing is on the wall.

Won the battle - lost the war.

My two cents of course!?What do you think happened to bring us here?


Blake LeMoi

Director of Business Development @ paid | Business Consultant | Investor

3 年

Politicians drive business and the fact our white house is walled up is unacceptable on so many levels. People have decided to chase needles and live in a media created fear. Yes this 100% is business


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