Boring = Success
Akshay Vyas
Sales & Business development expert | Product development specialist| Advance Process, workflow and operation Automation | Digital Transformation | Artificial Intelligence
If you’re struggling to find inspiration for topics for your blog / website / social media site, etc., then there’s a simple way for you to come up with more ideas for content creation than you can possibly manage:
Put down your phone, turn off the TV and just get a little BORED.
TV used to be the primary “time wasting” culprit because of the effect it had on the people wasting countless hours mindlessly sitting in front of the screen watching sitcoms and toilet paper commercials.
Next came the video game consoles and the “vidiots” who wasted even more time battling fake monsters and winning fake sporting events.
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the “smart phone” became part of mainstream America and took any semblance of intelligence and turned it into a series of pouty duck-lip and peace sign photos shared to entire networks of “friends”.
People have grown so accustomed to “consuming” bad content, they’ve forgotten how to “create” content, original thoughts, or simply intelligent conversation that doesn’t involve “swiping” the screen to something on their phone that someone else actually created and they “consumed”.
Take a break from all forms of media and let your creative juices flow.
Go out, take a walk and let mother nature be the fuel you consume to fire your imagination.
Your mind already has the all the ideas you could ever write about but you need to let them out. You need to stop blocking them with “noise” from other people’s content or distractions from other parts of your life or business.
Learn how to be bored for 15 minutes and you’ll never have a shortage of topics to write about.