Borders of Solomon’s Kingdom and its technological industry Professor Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali.
Borders of Solomon’s Kingdom and its technological industry
Professor Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali.
Abstract: Ultrasound is a common factor and the language of communication between all the Solomon's soldiers (wind, jinn, humans, and birds) in addition to ants. The winds harnessed for Solomon are the ultrasound energy, we can discern this from the context of the verses in addition to the unique properties of the ultrasound waves that make ultrasounds are the harnessed winds.
Cesium (Qetr) and ultrasound are the focus of the Prophet Solomon's control over his kingdom, which extends to 855,360 kilometers = eight hundred and fifty-five thousand cubic kilometers. And the boundaries of this kingdom are those described by God Almighty that the jinn and mankind will not be able to cross it and they will not succeed in penetrating it, and God knows best.
Discussion. Cesium (Qetr) and ultrasound are the principal elements of Prophet Solomon's control over his kingdom, and therefore some basic information about these two elements must be remembered:
Cesium or Qetr: It is one of the most important and scarce metals and is of the highest value, even more than gold. The most common use of cesium compounds is as a liquid for drilling and exploration for oil and gas and to prevent explosions due to the high temperatures and highly pressurized wells.
It is used in thermoelectric generators that convert thermal energy into electrical energy and one of its most important uses is the "cesium clock" (atomic clock) which is a vital part of the internet and mobile phone networks, as well as satellites’ GPS.
The radioactive form is produced by nuclear fission for use in medical devices and to prevent radioactive leakage from nuclear waste. It is considered one of the by-products of nuclear fission processes in nuclear reactors [1]
The ultrasonic waves: Is a pressure wave, capable of both thermal and mechanical effects in the medium through which it passes. Both thermal and mechanical effects are involved. Ultrasound is the only conventional wave that produces higher heat in this way [2]. Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a technique that allows ultrasound to penetrate bone or metal, using customized structures [3].
Ultrasound waves are a special type of the wind waves in that they are kinetic energy that produces sound because of their collision with the external medium. The sound waves differ in their higher speed, which is = 330 meter / seconds -than the wind maximum speed, which is "133.2" meters. The velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic waves is about 6000 m/s (20,000 ft/s) in steel, 1500 m/s (5000 ft/s) in water, and 330 m/s (1080 ft/s) in air. Normalized velocity and attenuation data plotted against Knudsen numbers and a rarefaction parameter are in good agreement with those obtained at reduced pressure and lower frequencies [4]. The ultrasonic waves are the wind that is harnessed to Solomon, which God Almighty referred to by saying: “So We harnessed to him the wind, blowing gently at his command to wherever he pleased?, and the devils are every builder and diver) Sad, verse 36,37. (And to Solomon ?We harnessed the wind: its morning stride was a month’s journey and so was its evening stride. And We caused a stream of molten Qetr to flow for him, and ?We harnessed some of the jinn to work under him by his Lord’s Will… They made for him whatever he desired of sanctuaries, statues, large basins as containers, and standing cauldrons fixed into the ground) Sabaa, verse 12,13 -
Why do we think that the wind was the ultrasound energy? We discern this from the context of the verses in addition to the unique properties of ultrasound waves - and what are these properties that make ultrasounds is the harnessed wind?
1- Since God mentioned that He subjected the jinn and demons to Solomon, and since ultrasound is the language of the jinn and devils, then ultrasound must also be harnessed for Solomon to deal with and command the jinn and devils to exploit.
2- The potential energy of ultrasound is higher than any other waves (even the nuclear gamma rays). Therefore, it is unique in its extreme heat and the highest penetrating power, and that is why Solomon used these ultrasound waves to extract and liquefy cesium metal from the spring of Qetr [5] - note that “we liquefy Qetr “cesium metal” came immediately after “the wind.”
3- The verse (and the devils are every builder and diver) came immediately after the verse of harnessing the wind for Solomon. That is, harnessing the wind requires harnessing the jinn and devils. In other words, the energy of the wind or (ultrasound waves) is a factor in controlling the jinn and demons.
4- The verse (They made for him whatever he desired of sanctuaries, statues, large basins as containers) came after God Almighty harnessed the wind for Solomon and used it to liquefy and extract cesium from the “Ain al-Qetr” area in the ground
In the sense that the process of liquefaction and extraction of cesium and its interaction with the earth's clay to form a soft clay material that can be shaped into several forms such as, sanctuaries, statues, and standing cauldrons. The heat energy resulting from the process of using ultrasonic energy can be converted into electrical energy to control and model (finish) the industrial products such as sanctuaries, statues...etc.
5- Studies, including that of Sang Park from the Department of Environmental Engineering, Chonbuk University in the Republic of Korea, confirmed that when cesium is absorbed into lattice clay minerals at a ratio of 2: 1 and the clay is subjected to drying, the clay is transformed into a structure like that found in ceramics and does not stretch when rehydrated, the same as in the traditional ceramics to produce cooking utensils, plates, tiles, and bricks [6].
6- Birds are sensitive to sounds, as they can detect a wide range of frequencies with greater sensitivity than humans, and birds show a different response to ultrasound. The person dealing with them must be an expert in ultrasound [7]. Since birds are among Solomon's soldiers, he must be an expert in ultrasound to learn their language. Contemplate the Almighty’s saying (And Solomon inherited David and said, O people, we are learned the utterance of birds), An-naml, verse 16.
7- The standing fixed cauldrons are not the cooking pots as interpreted by the traditionalists, because the Prophet Solomon was not a cooker, but rather the ruling king. The anchors in the Qur'an are the mountains, and how are the cauldrons fixed vertical?
To be anchored like mountains, they must go deep into the ground and cooking pots are not like that.
What are the cauldrons to be anchored in the ground?
Cauldron is that container in which we put two or more materials to melt them, and it is necessary to specify the quantities, measurements and all the necessary calculations for this process. So, Cauldrons are the laboratories, or plants used for extracting minerals and other things from the ground.
8- Ultrasound is used to control pests and to scare away birds and insects such as ants. Some studies show that ultrasound can be fatal to certain species by increasing body temperature or causing bouts of muscle paralysis because of the sound [8]. From here, we understand the reason why the ants’ fear of Solomon and his soldiers who are subjugated for him (Solomon’s forces of jinn, humans, and birds were rallied for him, perfectly organized. And when they came across a valley of ants, an ant warned, “O ants! Go quickly into your homes so Solomon and his armies do not crush you, unknowingly). An-naml, verses 17,18.
Ants use chemical pheromones and physical touch to stimulate or direct behavior, they also use hearing to incite required behavioral protection responses designed to protect their colony [9]. Ants are superior to us in their sense of hearing. scientists have shown that the insects talk to each other and are more intelligent than anyone ever realized. form tribes that stick together and communicate. Ants can even pioneer new tools – they can select suitable objects from their environment and apply them to a task they're trying to complete, like using sponges to carry honey back to their nest. [10]. They have a very sharp sensory system that enables them to pick up noise vibrations in the medium and use ultrasound signals to communicate as they combine with chemical signals (fermions) to provide information about an individual. Researchers have yet to decipher everything about how ants communicate by sound and how they interpret these signals. It was found that the ant uses its antennae to transmit and receive sound frequencies. The ant amplifies the audio signal coming to it, like modern receivers, and even removes undesired various effects - that is, it performs a process of filtering and purifying the sound, to distinguish it from everything else! This is a very developed system of communication that was unknown to scientists, and they only discovered it a few years ago [11,12,13].
Scientific gesture: We note that ultrasound is a common factor and the language of communication between all of Solomon's soldiers (wind, jinn, humans, and birds) in addition to ants.
Physical constants: The speed of ultrasonic waves in atmospheric air = 330 meters per second. Since distance = speed X time.
So, the distance that ultrasound travels in one month of "30 days"
= 30 x 24 x 60 x 60 x 330 = 855,360,000 meters = 855,360 kilometers.
This is the maximum possible distance for ultrasonic waves to penetrate the airspace of the heavens and the earth [14].
- From the orbital and physical data of the earth, it was found that its polar radius = 6,356.78 Km [14]
Earth's diameter = radius X 2 = 6,378 X 2 = 12,756 kilometers.
- The distance traveled by ultrasound in a month = 855,360 “divided by” 12,756 = 67 times the Earth's diameter. We conclude from this equation that:
1- This distance “855,360 kilometers” is the kingdom that God “be glorified and exalted”, willed to give to Solomon, and no one should override it after him.
2- Ultrasound waves stop to be reflected from the end of this distance, so they bounce back to the earth to travel the same distance in another month. That is, ultrasound cannot override and / or penetrating these limits.
3- Since ultrasonic waves are characterized by the highest penetrating energy of physical fields, therefore, it is not possible scientifically for any other elements or waves (such as electromagnetic waves) to exceed these limits as well.
4- That God Almighty has given the jinn precedence over mankind in an attempt to penetrate the regions of the heavens and the earth due to their distinction from humans in the power of penetration due to the nature of their creation from ultrasound energy that exceed all other elements that constitute the creation of the humans or animals. (O assembly of jinn and mankind, if you can pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass through. You cannot pass through except with authority) Al-Rahman, verse 33 -
1- Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 213, (2020)106101. ISSN 0265-931X.
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