The following is adapted from my new book,?Boot Straps & Bra Straps: The Formula to Go from Rock Bottom Back into Action in Any Situation

Try This on for Size

Just like a pair of boots—or a bra for that matter—this book isn’t one size fits all. I’m not going to tell you the exact steps you need to take to get out of your specific situation or to make your life better. Instead, I’m going to offer you a formula that can be applied to any situation, one that will help you see the next step to take to design your own beautiful life shift.

This isn’t a vitamin that makes you feel a little bit better; it’s the medication that saves your life.

If you are going through something right now, you can read chapter 1 to get an overview of what the BOOTS Formula is and how it works, and then you can go to the chapter that discusses something similar to what you may be going through.

Particularly as you are struggling, it may seem overwhelming to think that you have to read twelve chapters before you learn the next steps to take. You don’t have to! You can learn the very first step to take right away. Each chapter will give you information that you can implement right now, not something that you may find useful somewhere down the line.

Jump to what appeals, the topic that is calling out to you, whatever you need to help you through your situation.

But then go back and review the other chapters, so you can see how it all fits together and how these patterns can happen in anything you’re going through. Come back and read chapter 11 on Lifestyle Design, because that applies to everyone.

Each chapter has a similar structure: it tells the story of a woman going through a specific real-life rock-bottom situation, it discusses things you can do to avoid that type of rock bottom, and it shows you how to address the rock bottom if you end up in a similar situation. You will then see a breakdown of the BOOTS Formula for that situation, as well as the moment of empowerment found by the woman in the opening story.

At the very end of each chapter, you will find an activity and links to more resources you can use to do the work, but it will also link you to a community of like-minded women who are going through similar situations. Finally, between chapters you will see examples from my “Dear Sheila” newsletter, for even more illustrations of women learning to walk through their own rock-bottom moments, to inspire you to keep going through yours.

This is a guide, not something to read and then throw away. You’re going to want to give it to the women in your life, but you’ll want to keep a copy for yourself to refer back to. There are guidelines and tips throughout. It’s a tool that gives different models and examples that can all spark ideas—ideas that come from you. It’s going to draw out your own strength and your ideas of what the life you are designing—or redesigning—is going to look like.

When you make it through this situation, you will be prepared for whatever life has in store for you next.

Blueprints to Rebuild Why did you pick up this book?

Do you need to reinvent your life? Are you barreling toward a rock-bottom moment of your own? Have you already hit rock bottom and now you’re struggling to stand up and take that first shaky step toward rebuilding what “normal” looks like? Are you tired of revisiting rehabs or falling down over and over again, and now you’re ready for a complete reboot?

Maybe you don’t even think you’re at rock bottom. You’re just not satisfied with your life and you want to redesign it. Maybe you’re ready to jump into the next chapter of your life.

You’ve already declared, “Enough is enough!” and now you’re ready to take back your power.

You’ve invested your life in a relationship, your children, your career, and now you’re ready for a life shift, but you need direction. This book is a guide that will give you that direction.

You’ll see that other people and I have gone through this stuff—and if we can make it through, so can you.The details of our situations don’t have to be exactly the same. We all share the circumstance of hitting rock bottom and having to decide how we choose to move forward and get through that first—of many—life shifts by making it a positive, intentional one.

There are a lot of steps that go into this formula. You don’t just go from the hospital to opening a store the next day. There are a hell of a lot of steps in between. If you’re ready to find your moment of empowerment, turn the page to learn how the BOOTS Formula can guide you on your way.?The Best Selling Book: BOOT STRAPS & BRA STRAPS is available Amazon and at?


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