Boots on the ground

Boots on the ground

Boots on the ground ?

From experience we know that spending time on the ground is the best way to gather all the relevant information and business intelligence you need for the necessary research if you intend investing in Africa or if you want to expand your current African footprint. ?

By Leon Louw founder of WhyAfrica and editor of the WhyAfrica magazine

We also know that you don’t always have the time, or the budget, to get your own boots on the ground. Not everybody can afford to be away from the office and, to be honest, travelling through Africa can be a tiring business which you need to prepare for and plan to the finest detail. ?

So why not let WhyAfrica spend time on the ground for you, do your research and ensure that you get all the relevant information you need, good and bad, while you continue doing what you do best?

This is what we, at WhyAfrica, do best. What’s more is we do it creatively. At the same time we tell your African story and promote the African continent and your business in Africa without blinking an eye, and we come back with intelligence and information you would not be able to gather, not even by using ChatGPT Premium.??

All you need to do is become a WhyAfrica partner, member, sponsor or advertiser.

There is not a better way of collecting information than to travel through African countries and talk with?ALL stakeholders, including governments, decision makers, business owners, entrepreneurs, workers, NGOs and development agencies.

Most importantly though, one needs to interact with people on the street and local communities. In the end, these are the people that matter the most.

While it’s great to attend conferences, which WhyAfrica does a lot of, one needs a balanced view and understand what is happening at grassroots level.

Believe me there is a big difference between what is said and discussed at international conferences, events and in the mainstream media and what really happens on the ground. WhyAfrica’s annual Road Trip takes care of that blind spot.?? ?

In 2024 we completed our third successful WhyAfrica Road Trip, and we have already started preparations for the fourth one. During our 2024 trip we travelled close to 9000km in 45 days through SA, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania and Kenya.

We visited 30 project sites and interviewed 45 stakeholders in various sectors of the economy and from various walks of life (that excludes of course people we talk to on the way).??

Our 2024 Road Trip Review Report, including video footage of interviews and project sites, are available to purchase in the WhyAfrica online store. If you are a WhyAfrica partner, sponsors, advertiser or member you free copy is in your inbox. ?

If Africa is your business, as it is ours, please contact us. We love getting our boots dirty.??

WhyAfrica Remote Exploration Services (RES) ?


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