Boot Camp Reviews: MyNewJobHunt
David Perry
'Revolutions Need Leaders' | Award Winning Recruiter Placing Executives in: Construction, Real Estate Development, & Technology | $420M+ deals closed | 7 books authored | Featured Speaker | Expert Witness
“…I would recommend this methodology to finding work in a heartbeat!”
So I can tell you that I would recommend this methodology to finding work in a heartbeat. As far as I’m concerned job hunting is the worst! I made myself a promise that once I started this process I would follow it word for word without question. Why? Because I had been applying to jobs for 2 months with absolutely no success. I couldn’t understand why no one was contacting me for an interview. And the problem with that is that it plays with your psyche. You start doubting your skill set, you start wondering if you need to lower your expectations. You talk to your loved ones who agree and start telling you not to get your hopes up. Not because they don’t believe you can do it, but because they genuinely care about you and just don’t want to see you hurt. So you start thinking that maybe your 13 years of digital experience are leading you to an entry level position.
There were things in this course I did not like doing that I doubted and that made me uncomfortable. But, l knew that unless I switched up my strategy, I was never going to find my dream job. And so I swallowed my pride and my pre-conceived beliefs and I went out on my skinny branch. Possibly the most uncomfortable few weeks of my life. But the more I did it, the more my confidence grew. And then it happened…. In one week I had 3 job offers. While there were many steps in between, the end result is that I ended up finding my dream job, in my dream organization. So do I believe that getting uncomfortable for a little while is worth it? ABSOLUTELY! But trust in the process. Don’t jump ahead. Don’t skip steps. Don’t think you know everything. Remember that you are doing this course because what you are doing today isn’t working. So trust in the process, even if it kills you. The result is so worth it.
Kate Voltan , Ottawa Ontario
Guerrilla Job Search Warfare Is Unconventional Warfare
The Guerrilla Job Seekers boot camp is no walk in the park by any stretch of the imagination. The camp is at least a 40 hour per week job. If you enroll in the job seeker boot camp and you want to golf 36 holes of golf per week, you won‘t be able to keep up with your class work. The same holds true for those with a busy social life or have an un-supportive significant other.
This course is only for the most serious of job hunters who will do whatever it reasonably takes, to land a new job.
Guerrilla Warfare is Unconventional Warfare – highly effective and targeted. Because in the guerrilla job hunting process you will learn is also, unconventional, your friends and family will think you are crazy when you tell them what you are learning. But remember – job hunters come to the Guerrilla Job Seekers boot camp when conventional job search strategies don’t work. This stuff works.
I have recommended this guerrilla training to others that I personally know. When all is said and done though you’ll be glad that you did.
Greg Nordhougen, Monterey, CA
Wife Now Believes
When my husband Clark told me he was signing up for a “boot camp” to help him ?nd a job I was skeptical. ‘Another person who just wants your money and doesn‘t give you anything in return was my first thought. We had been through that the last time he lost his job. It seems like there are a lot of people out there waiting to prey upon unemployed professionals.
The boot camp went well. One thing that I really appreciated about It was that It kept Clark accountable to work diligently each day on job hunting. I’m sure it can get daunting at times. but with the boot camp assignments you know exactly what to do each day.
So many of the assignments are things we never thought to do. The strategies are truly unique and make the applicants stand out from the others Yesterday he ?nally got a job!
As a wife, I highly recommend this program.
Barbara Hinnical, St. Petersburg, FL
New job In 22 days!
I would have very much liked to have taken the entire 10 week Guerrilla job Seekers Boot Camp but that won’t be possible because after only 22 days In the camp I landed a new gig. Therefore I “graduated” from the course 7 weeks early. On the upside, I’m working again and that Is good news at the O’Donnell household.
I must say that those 22 days rank up there as the busiest We ever had In my professional life. The course Is non-stop work. Odd as it may seem to some. it’s always been (and remains) my desire to be a “career contract” employee as I enjoy the challenge of “emergency parachuting” into corporate forest ?res, solving their most pressing IT issues and then walking away a hero. I must say though that even in the world of “contract employment.” It has its challenges with corporate off shoring, That is one of the reasons I’ve used Guerrilla Job Search not once but twice.
I landed a new position both times and I would not hesitate to use this service again! In my mind that is no accident.
Peter O'Donnell, BSc, PMP, CTFL, Markham, Ontario
I’m proud to be number 21,713!
I was out of work for many months. The number 21,713 was not a prisoner number assigned to me at a penitentiary while unemployed all those months, It represents the number of successful job seekers that Guerrilla learn Mark J. Haluska and David Perry has helped through the years.
Before joining the Guerrilla Boot Camp. l was using traditional Job search techniques and those techniques got me nowhere. I‘m frugal by nature but after learning of the success that Mark and David has had with others made joining their boot camp a relatively easy decision for me.
One thing that needled at me (before joining the boot camp) was the fact that I‘m over 50 and I believe that age discrimination does exist in today’s workplace. Once the course started, I simply d‘d not have the time to worry about ageism (again) as l was too involved in the class to let it bother me again. My con?dence, though cautiously, grew with each passing week.
What is amazing is that it‘s not just one thing the course teaches you, but it is an amalgamation of things I learned that produces results. They call this the force multiplier effect. Thanks to these proven tactics, I was able to land a job in a much shorter time with better pay than I previously had. My new job will allow me to leverage my current skill set in a new area that will help me grow even at this stage of my career.
The things I learned from this course will carry forward helping me in my new job. When unemployed and looking for a job. you can become discouraged, thanks to things learned, I was one of the top 5% most viewed Linkedln profiles for 2012: thus providing me great marketing exposure.
Mark ‘s a true drill instructor who prepares you far finding your dream job. When you are truly ready to get busy, buckle down and get serious about ?nding your next job. I would recommend the Guerrilla Job Search Boot Camp.
P.S. I would have liked to have been 21,712 but another Stanford Grad beat me by 5 days.
Robert Cubbage, Allen, Texas
Two job offers within three weeks!
l wholly endorse the 10 Week Guerrilla Job Seekers Boot Camp. Within 3 weeks of working with It I received two job offers!
My former employer offered to pay for my outplacement training provided by a large, nationally known ?rm. They teach the traditional job search methods and that was not for me.
It‘s simply too competitive out there now days and therefore I chose to go Guerrilla instead. The Guerrilla proprietary job seekers course
materials are priceless.
Alexandra Morehouse, San Francisco, California
Crazy 2 Months!
The past 2 months have been crazy…here ‘s the good news! I got a job offer with GE Healthcare… l was very interested in their Corporate Finance role and am looking forward to being a part of that company. The hiring committee was very impressed with my resume and experience. I had applied for a position on their website using the Guerrilla resume.
I am emailing you to thank you for all the support/encouragement and your efforts on my resume without which, I would not be here.
Best Regards!
Geetha Ramachandrain, Jersey City, New Jersey
Mission accomplished after ONLY 27 DAYS!
This could go on forever; however I will only give you highlights. I am currently in transition out of the United States Army after 22 wonderful years. I started attending TAPs classes through the Army Career Alumni Program at Fort Drum in July 2011 (a year before transition) with no results. I then hired a company to write my resume and I am not even using that one as it turned out to be ineffective.
Also, before taking the 10 week Guerrilla Job Seekers Boot Camp, I applied for 76 jobs, sent out 74 holiday Cards to a target audience, 249 postcards on March 27th, 284 postcards on April 27th, not to mention numerous phone calls, e-mails, thank you letters, cards, and notes. I also had business cards made and grew my LinkedIn network from zero to over 1,200 at great expense.
Considering I took the Army’s TAPS classes and then hired a certified professional resume writer, plus sending all of those holiday cards, post cards, countless emails and making phone calls; not to mention all of that time and effort …in sum, they netted me a total of ZERO offers.
Well, on June 2, 2012 all of that changed. The significant change is the direct result of working with my Senior Certified Guerrilla coach and enrolling in the 10 week Guerrilla Job Seekers Boot Camp – and within 27 days, and yes, you read that correctly – 27 days, I had 2 offers and a lot of positive comments on my NEW Guerrilla resume. There was a 2 week wait before starting in my new position and in that time I received 3 additional offers!!!
In closing and most importantly I also learned that a resume in-and-of-itself simply isn’t sufficient to land a new job. That is where the one-on-one the strategy sessions, scheduled / unscheduled conference calls and last but not least the interview preparation time I spent with Mark came into play; ultimately taking me over the top.
Carl Berg, South Carolina
Guerrilla 10 Week Boot Camp for Job Seekers – Don’t Waste your Time or Money on Anything Else!!
Being a Guerrilla Boot Camper doesn’t just prepare you for your next job, it provides you with skills you can use throughout your life. During my experience working with other executive coaches who used the same tired old tactics, no one ever suggested trying something different if their cookie-cutter strategies didn’t work.
Enter Mark Haluska, the Guerrilla Boot Camp Guru, who is one of the most inspiring people I have ever worked with. Equal parts a great motivator and listener, Mark stays with you beyond the 10 week course until you land your job, and in my case spent hours on the phone preparing me for my final job negotiations.
Mark teaches you job search skills that make you “stand out in a crowd”, where hiring executives will take notice. As an HR and business executive myself, I want to hire candidates that can “think outside of the box.”
If you are faced with the misfortune of a job loss (as many of us have in the past 5 years and possibly will again), don’t panic and settle for the conventional outplacement firms and executive coaches. Save yourself the effort, time, aggravation and disappointments and go straight to the program that will make a difference… Guerrilla Boot Camp.
It’s a personalized approach that works! You’ll be happy you took my advice!!
Sandy Srebnick, Senior Business Executive, HR & Corporate Services - Greater New York Area
My last job search took 3 years – and then I met the “guerrilla guys”!
I learned of Mark Haluska from the David Perry’s book “Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters” Mark is a Senior Certified Guerrilla Job Search Coach for North America. After reading and implementing many of the techniques in the book, I felt having the extra support to push me outside my comfort zone was paramount to my success. After only being in my last position for 1 year, I was devastated to be back on the job market after a corporate downsizing. My last job search lasted 3 years and, although I was able to support myself through IT consulting work, it was a difficult time. I was determined to get back to work within 6 months and I knew the investment of a guerrilla job-search coach would be priceless. I was right!
When I first joined the Guerrilla program, my friends and family had their doubts; my financial resources were tight and they did not see the coaching as a good use of money. However, after reading the book, I knew the Guerrilla team had the know-how and experience to get things done – meaning my time on the job market would be considerably shortened. I had several legitimate offers while being in the program.
As for my actual experience in working in the job-seekers program, I have bulleted the highlights for easy review:
1) Mark always makes time for his clients. Even if he’s not immediately available, he will call you back.
2) VERY good listener. As job searchers, we experience the highs along with the lows. It’s a stressful time and Mark is someone that understands this. Whenever I would feel especially down, he would remind me of the many things I can control– which, primarily, was to continuously take actions that build my job pipeline. His advice; when feeling down and out, send another “Trojan Horse” email. It works!
3) Motivates job-searchers to take action. The way to find a job is to actively pursue the jobs or companies you want. He motivates his clients to keep busy, but not in useless job-search tactics that are basically a waste of time. He shows his clients how to work smart and make valuable use of their time.
4) Accountability. Mark takes a personal stake in each client he works with and holds them accountable to do what it takes to get a job. In fact, he takes such a personal interest that he often jokes that he takes his clients to bed with him as he’s ALWAYS thinking “How can I help this person find a job?” He does not fool around and, if he feels you’re not holding up to your end of the agreement, he calls you on it. Just get it done!
5) Creative Approach – Mark will blow your mind with his job-search tactics. Employers will be so impressed with your creative approach to the job-search they will want to learn more about you. Even if your skill set is not an ideal match for what they may initially be looking for, they will still want to meet you.
6) Interview Coaching – Once you get the interview, Mark teaches you how to stand-out from the other candidates and how to effectively follow-up after the interview.
7) Written Communications – Mark teaches you how to say what you want to say in a clear concise manner. No flowery BS in cover letters or subsequent follow-ups after interviews. He makes sure you get to the point with as few words as possible. Mark excels at keeping correspondence to the point; messaging is clear and impactful.
Utilizing the expertise of Mark was a definite game changer for me. My only contention is that I wish I had found him sooner.
I am grateful for both Dave Perry and Mark Haluska and the sincerity behind their Guerrilla Job Search tactics; they truly want to help people. Thank you both.
Janelle M, Brooklyn, New York
The $64,000 question landed me my DREAM Job!
Looking back, I never thought the Guerrilla Job Seekers program would work for me the way it in reality did. I could not believe that I would be able to access this “hidden job market” everyone talks about and be able to not only find my dream job but actually come away from my layoff with the tools needed to be able to look after my career for the rest of my professional life. After all, I had read every article and several books on networking and using informational meetings to get in to see hiring managers and none of them have produced any results.
I saw the problem being a lack of real tactics and workable strategies to get into seeing the hiring managers and even if you do have knowledge of these tactics, I needed a coach I could work with to keep me on track.
That’s when I called Mark Haluska.
Wanting to help people isn’t just a mission statement for Mark, it’s a heartfelt value that he has demonstrated time and again. When I lost my job, I don’t need to say that I was in a very bad place. Mark was able to drag me out of that dark place to empower me to not only find the job that I found but to find a job that has been “created” for me. That’s right! The job did not exist prior to my meeting with my now new employer. The position had been filled three months prior to my meeting with the company. Incredibly, after my second meeting with the hiring manager, he said the following to me: “I don’t know what I want you for yet, but I know I want you working here.” He then invited me to share with him what my ideal job looked like and he created the position for me!
Mark thrives on challenges, especially when his every instinct tells him you can succeed. He will fight for you to be everything you can be professionally. I was in my comfort zone and really wasn’t ready to leave it. First challenge: I didn’t want to use a proven job search tactic as I found it to be a little uncomfortable for me so I flat out refused to try it. After several futile attempts to get me to do what i needed to do, he threatened to return my tuition and kick me out of the boot camp! You see for Mark success is not the money, but how well you do, that determines his success.
Well, needless to say I did what I was told and just this one tactic alone (there are so many) landed me my dream job and has taken me out of my comfort zone for good. I now know that no matter what the future brings I will face it with optimism and confidence because I have the tools to succeed.
Next came the interview prep, I remember telling Mark that it has been a while since I last looked for work, but I was confident about one thing, I could interview well… I was always very good at it and frankly I thought I would ace the interview prep. Not only was I not prepared, I failed miserably and we have the proof on tape!
Over the next week, Mark worked with me to get me up to speed and I not only was prepared but aced the interview with his $64,000 interview question! I remember how adamant Mark was that I not leave the interview without asking this question. The reaction to that one question put me over the top. Mark’s commitment to this process alone was tireless. Some of our meetings were scheduled at 5:00 AM due to his busy schedule so we had enough time to clear up the train wreck that was my first rehearsal interview!
The results were dramatic. I still play the two versions of my interview today because I still can’t believe that something I thought I was able to do so well would have cost me my dream job had I not received the coaching I did from Mark.
In closing, this boot camp has been the best decision I’ve ever made for my career and I’ve paid for many coaches over the years. This is the only program with actual strategies you can use to get you the job you want in the shortest possible time.
I will be forever grateful to Mark for helping turn my life around and for believing in me when I was at my worst. His faith in my abilities and patience for all of my resistance to the advice is, in my opinion, is what makes him an exceptional coach. There is indeed a hidden job market out there but it’s like this “A” list party you always hear about but can never get invited to. Well I’m living proof that you can get it.
You just have to call Mark Haluska for the invites and the only price of admission will be the effort you put into the camp.
Elsa Tortella, Toronto, Canada
As a Guerrilla Job Seeker, I had an 80% success rate with my resume!
It gets better and much more rewarding than that, but let’s start at the beginning.
I had been working in the financial services industry since 1981. Having achieved senior executive level status, the corporation I worked for (a very well-known global financial services organization) let me go after more than 20 years of service. To be fair to all parties concerned, when I left my last employer, it was actually more of a mutual parting of the ways. None-the-less there I was, unemployed for the first time in my life and in my 50’s and not sure what I was going to do. Because we have been living in the worst employment market period since the great depression of the 1930’s, I knew competition for any job at my level would be stiff and wondered “Who will hire someone at my age?” and “Will I have to sell my home and move away from family and friends?”
My former employer did offer to send me through a pricey nationally known outplacement service as part of my severance package. So at least at the outset, it offered me some level optimism. I attended the seminars, met with my job counselor and so-forth since it was on my (now) former company’s dime. It was my belief that the price was right and what could it hurt?
I will say that the people at the outplacement company certainly were nice enough, but I can’t say they really taught me anything new. Essentially what I walked away with was a new resume (that I had to correct) and (was) given a list of all the local Pittsburgh area executive recruiters to contact should I opt to. That pretty much sums up my experience with that high visibility outplacement organization my former employer uses. That money could have been put to better use; like putting it in my pocket to provide a financial buffer while I conducted a job search in these challenging times.
Fast forward a full year and then some. By this time I had sent out literally hundreds of resumes. The net result? I was no further ahead in my job search than I was a year earlier. Much to my disappointment, companies simply were not acknowledging receipt of my resume; I wasn’t getting interviews so it was obvious to me that a job offer certainly was not in the cards any time soon.
Thanksgiving weekend was now on the horizon and my wife and I agreed that if I were not employed by that time, we would sit down and have a family discussion. The holiday weekend comes and I’m still unemployed. As agreed we had our family gathering to discuss my career situation and what I need to do next. During that meeting my wife said, “Steve you are very good at what you do, but you are not very good at marketing yourself in this economy. You need to find some professional help.”
Not long after the Thanksgiving holiday, I found myself reading career search related blog articles written by Mark Haluska, a Certified Guerrilla Job Search Coach and a co-author of the international bestselling “Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 2.0” book. I’d never heard of him prior, but the job search advice in his articles surely resonated with me. I checked Mark’s credentials as an Executive Recruiter and as a Guerrilla Coach, as well as his close business alliance with David Perry and Kevin Donlin. Satisfied with my findings, I concluded that Mark would almost certainly be a worthy job search mentor.
At that time I was also in the preliminary talking stages with another career coach as a possible person to help me get back to work, but Haluska’s career search articles really piqued my curiosity. It was then that I took what would be my first Guerrilla step and called Mark regarding the 10 week Guerrilla Job Search program.
In my first phone discussion with Mark he said that should he agree to bring me on as a client I would have to first commit to diligently work the Guerrilla Job Search course on a full time basis. That’s 40 hours a week. Upon reflection, the course was not only fast and furious but it was also out and out grueling at times. Not once did I ever have to wonder what I would need to do next to find a new job because between having a direct line to my coach whenever I needed him, the regularly scheduled phone conference calls, the Guerrilla software and my weekly lesson plans; it was all laid out for me.
Secondly, Mark told me that because of my rather conservative career background in financial services, and my senior level (to) be prepared to do things that will make me feel somewhat “uncomfortable” at times. Lastly, he advised me to feel free to ask any questions I wanted about the tips and tricks I’ll be learning as we go, but ultimately I’ll be required to execute those tactics in order to remain in the program.
By this time it was becoming abundantly clear to me that this guy was going to be more like a drill sergeant than what I would have envisioned an executive coach to be like; so much for preconceived notions. That said, everything else I had tried to do for more than a year to find a new position was not working for me. I needed to get back to work! As a result, I agreed to Mark’s terms and with that, I started the course with Mr. Haluska as my Guerrilla coach about a week later.
While I was enrolled in the Guerrilla Job Seekers course I was challenged nearly every day to do things one would not normally do as a job seeker. At the same time though, I knew I was doing things that my competition (for a new job) was not doing. What is more, in order to remain in good standing in this program I simply had to execute my assignments. On occasion I would call Mark to express some concern about what he was asking me to do. I knew he did not want to hear it but I called him out anyway just to let him know my feelings. As tough as Mark was as my job search mentor he would somewhat soften up and in a most confident and convincing way say; “Steve, because the herd (of job seekers) is heading north… I’m sending you south. It’s all good.”
Speaking of being required to do things out of the ordinary, I recall while enrolled in the course, sharing with my family the unusual tactics that I was being coached through to find a job. At one point, my daughter, a very highly educated and accomplished person in the medical profession said to me, “Dad that stuff is just too bizarre, those things won’t work!” I can laugh at about that now but at the time, it did cross my mind that she may be right!
Fast forward to the 4th week of the course; it was then I received my first unofficial job offer. By that time I had sent out only 10 (well targeted) resumes and by the course standards I was actually falling behind. It was then though that (I) surprisingly started to get action as I spent the next week (plus) literally getting worn out as a result of all of the resume activity I was getting with in-person interviews and phone screenings. Out of the 10 resumes I sent, I received 8 responses from actual hiring authorities!
By the 5th week of Guerrilla coaching, I was offered a couple of more positions. At the beginning of the 6th week with competing job offers in hand, I finally accepted a lucrative offer from an employer that not only met all of my expectations but exceeded them as it turned out to be a great fit for me. I’m now a Senior Vice President with and great organization. I believe that without the Guerrilla Job Search program and having my coach as a mentor, especially after being unemployed for so long, it may not have ever happened.
I’d like to express my thanks to coach Mark Haluska and the entire Guerrilla Team. Not only did I get a job faster that I could have ever realistically expected, but this experience has made me an even better senior level executive.
[David and Mark’s Note: There some interesting twists to Steve’s job hunt journey that would be of interest to a serious job seeker and should be on your “must view” list. For example, watch as Mark talked Steve out of actually turning down a solid job opportunity that he really wanted or as Steve shares his story as to how he achieved an 80% resume success rate… and a whole lot more! Tune in as Steve talks about his Guerrilla Coaching experience as he sits down with Kevin Donlin, co-creator of Guerrilla Job Search International and Guerrilla Coach Mark Haluska to share his success story with others. There are two separate videos.
The first video is titled, “80% Interview Success Rate for Guerrilla Resume!” and the second video is titled, “Guerrilla Job Search Coaching: Shock and Awe!” Enjoy!]
Steve Cobain, Pittsberg, PA
'Revolutions Need Leaders' | Award Winning Recruiter Placing Executives in: Construction, Real Estate Development, & Technology | $420M+ deals closed | 7 books authored | Featured Speaker | Expert Witness
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