Boosting Your Symfony Application's Performance with Redis Caching
Setting up Redis in Symfony
Let's begin by creating a service named "CacheService" to handle caching operations in our Symfony application.
To add caching functionality to your Symfony application, you can create cache pools such as Redis cache and array cache(testing purpose) to store and retrieve data.
To define a service for Redis provider, you can use the service container in Symfony, set the Redis connection details, and define the default lifetime for the cache pool.
To cache data in Symfony, you can call the cache service in the controller and pass in the key, value, and optional tag name to be cached.
To test cache, you can use PHPUnit to write unit tests that cover different scenarios such as cache hits and misses, cache expiration, and more, while making sure the expected data is returned from the cache.
The Docker Compose file includes a Redis master and slave setup with separate containers for each, along with the necessary configuration for running the containers.