Boosting Our Self-Worth, Day Five - Prove To Yourself You Matter
Positive Self-talk, affirming your self-worth to yourself can be a very good way to start changing the internal negative dialogue that you may have going inside your head. The conversation has most likely, been going on for many years, and very familiar to you.Dedicate a set time during your day to declare and affirm to yourself that you're a great person, you're special, you’re wonderful, you’re lovable, and you’re loved. If you can do your affirming work in front of a mirror you will get greater results. But it can be hard to face yourself and change the conversation.
Take time each day to remind yourself, and acknowledge that you do matter, just as much as every person around you. If affirmations were magical it would be very easy to build self-worth! The reality is somewhat different, and while it's vital to use positive self-talk and affirmations to build new sets of pathways in your unconscious mind. They are part of the solution. It’s important for you to act on your sense of self-worth by recognizing and accepting responsibility, owning up to the fact that you are in control of your attitude, your reactions, and your sense of worth. The root of poor self-worth is really letting other people and circumstances serve as the source of lowering your self-worth. So affirm with me: As I change my thoughts the world around me changes. I am proud of myself right here and right now.