Boosting the Life Experience of Employees
With the appearance of more powerful variants of the pandemic and possibly more so in the future, planning when the workforce can come back to their offices safely has become very unpredictable. However, after four years of the pandemic, leaders and employees have gradually adapted to working from home or within the hybrid work model. This means that the thin line between an employee’s work and personal life has become blurrier than ever.
An overwhelming personal life can definitely lead to burnout, thus decreasing the employee’s morale, working motivation, and productivity. Therefore, this is a crucial time for business leaders and HR directors to include strategies for supporting the life experience of employees under their people management umbrella.
There are three critical points that leaders should consider when they adjust their people management strategies to adapt with the new working contexts :
?? Communication
Maintain frequent, open, and sincere communication channels with your employees, to stay updated about any legitimate concerns they may have regarding their work, as well as challenges in their personal life. The information gained from such effective communication will allow leaders to provide the right kind of timely support for their employees.
?? Supporting Employees’ Self-Care
As a dedicated employee and family member, an individual tends to devote all their time and effort for implementing their work and taking care of others, thus easily neglecting themselves. This tendency leads to burnout and related mental illnesses, and takes away the ability to function normally at both work and at home. Therefore, organizations need to raise awareness about the importance of self-care, and they also need to facilitate employees’ self-care by organizing activities such as virtual sports challenges, relaxation weeks, etc.
?? Supporting the Whole Family of Employees :
The well-being of the family members of the employees has a direct impact on their own well-being. Therefore, extending support for their whole family in challenging times will help share their burden significantly. For many years, Human Dynamic has provided Work Life Coaching services to not only the employees of our corporate clients, but also their family members - including their spouses, children under 18 years of age, parents, and parents in-law. Human Dynamic WLC services cover almost all the important areas of the employees’ life such as personal relationships, work life balance and workplace concerns, health concerns, personal financial planning, and legal issues.
Source: HD Monthly Influencer, Boosting the Life Experience of Employees ; authored by Consultant @ Human Dynamic