BOOSTing GovCon: September 2024
We work for GovCons. We allow you to focus on growth, while we focus on everything else.

BOOSTing GovCon: September 2024

Posting Salary Ranges: Embrace It, But Don’t Underestimate It

The number of U.S. postings that include salary ranges continues to rise quickly, with nearly two-thirds of employers routinely including this information in job ads. And legal compliance isn’t the only reason behind the increase. Candidates love it, job seekers who want more money can self-select out, and pay transparency aids in the reduction of gender pay gaps.?

Sounds great, right? Read More

Interviewing 101: Common Questions That Could Lead to Trouble

Talk to any CEO and one of their top three issues is finding talent.? We’re all trying to hire, navigate work-from-home environments, identify applicants who use AI to answer questions and pinpoint the folks who double dip (work two full-time jobs).? We find ourselves in a constant need of navigating when to hire, balancing workload and candidate flow.

To that end, you’d think we’d be better at interviewing folks.? It’s something hiring managers are constantly doing.? But now might be a good reminder to invest in some training for your hiring managers, no matter how seasoned they may be. Read More

Recruiting: Hiring for Potential Can Work!

The talent market has loosened, yet many employers are still finding it hard to find the right skill sets for open positions. This is particularly evident in more specialized Analyst, Technical, and IT roles. Education institutions are working hard to create more market-relevant programs and certifications but not quickly enough to keep up with employer demand. And good companies that are intentional about diversity recognize that stringent hiring criteria can limit diverse candidate pools.?

With baby boomers retiring by the droves, this challenge is expected to go on for several years. So, what can employers do? Read More


Stephanie Alexander & Alexa Tsui are on a mission. They are raising funds for Runway to the Cure, supporting the National Breast Center Foundation and Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation. These organizations are lifelines for those facing the storm Stephanie & Alexa have weathered.

Your Gift Can Change Lives:

$25 could provide a comfort kit to a newly diagnosed patient

$50 might fund an hour of research into groundbreaking treatments

$100 could cover a mammogram for someone who can't afford it?

Please Help Make a Difference and Click Here to Contribute Today!

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