Boosting ad engagement with text-based imagery ??

Boosting ad engagement with text-based imagery ??

We’ve looked at quite a few tests on Facebook Ad creative together. And today we’re taking a look at yet another.

This organization took an interesting approach by removing the imagery from their ad creative and replacing it with text. Specifically, the image included questions that the resource they were promoting would answer for the reader.

Let’s see how it impacted performance.


Presenting the offer as a solution to seven key questions for Facebook ad traffic will achieve higher performance because the book becomes a solution for a question or problem that the reader has.

Why might this work?

By presenting traffic with the exact questions to be answered in the offer, traffic should be more motivated to take action since it’s clearer what the offer is and what value it will provide.


The control had an image of the resource.


The treatment had an image of key questions the resource would answer.


The text-based ad image led to an 82.6% increase in traffic.

Some tips for testing this (and other) ideas

  1. Consider framing your offer as a solution to specific problems or questions. Would presenting the benefit directly in the ad image help clarify the value of your offer?
  2. Try testing how different levels of detail in the ad copy (not the image) impact conversions. Does longer copy or shorter copy work better to convey the value of the offer?
  3. An iteration of this test could be to have a more designed image with a handful of the questions to see if it catches the eyes of more traffic.

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