Boost your wellbeing!
Hard to believe we were basking in a heatwave a few weeks ago, and now the mornings are getting darker, nights are starting earlier and the weather is getting cooler.?
Most of us shrug our shoulders and get used to the change of season, with some of us even enjoying those changes, but there are others that suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a condition?recognised by the NHS with symptoms ranging from fairly minor to very serious and?8% of the UK population will experience severe symptoms needing treatment to maintain any kind of normal function.
This newsletter is going to cover some hints 'n' tips that will hopefully make Autumn (and Winter) a bit easier to cope with. If you are someone that really has problems with the dark nights and cold weather I would recommend seeking help rather than struggling to deal with things on your own. The NHS website would be a good place to start so have a look here first.
There are a lot of ways to improve your wellbeing making you healthier, happier and less SAD. The simpler they are the more likely you are to do them so here are a few ideas to get you started:
Exercise with friends - This has been shown to be one of the best ways to get maximum mental health benefits from exercise. People taking part in a 12-week exercise programme reported reduced stress levels, with better mental, physical and emotional levels than those taking solitary exercise.
Eat more fruit - A study of 12,000 people found that going from eating almost no fruit and vegetables to eating 8 portions a day had the same effect on lifting mood as moving from unemployment to having a job.
Get Painting - A sleep expert has found that the colour scheme of your bedroom can have a huge impact on your mood and quality of sleep. Blue is a cool, calming colour which boosts our sense of tranquility while green represents nature and helps create a feeling of relaxation and calmness. White can promote a feeling of serenity and space helping us to feel at peace before we settle in for the night.
To find more ways to give your wellbeing a kick-start, have a look here.
Take care until next time and thanks again for reading.
Bob Allen