Boost your sales game with Steven Bartlett's Laws of Business and Life: The Self

Boost your sales game with Steven Bartlett's Laws of Business and Life: The Self

In sales, as in life more generally, success is a journey shaped by the wisdom and principles that guide us. Enter Steven Bartlett, an entrepreneur, influencer, and thought leader whose insights are reshaping the way we approach business and life. In this series, and in three others we’ll be highlighting in the coming weeks, we delve into the treasure trove of wisdom Bartlett shares through his 33 laws outlined in his recent book ‘The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life’.

These laws are not just guidelines but are the keystones to achieving excellence in sales and beyond. We will explore how Bartlett’s principles can guide you to revolutionise your sales strategy, boost your personal growth, and help you navigate the intricate world of business with confidence. Whether you're a seasoned sales professional or freshly appointed into your first sales team, Bartlett's 33 laws can help you navigate the challenges and opportunities that await.

Who is Steven Bartlett?

Bartlett was born in 1992 in Botswana, to a Nigerian mother and a British father. Seemingly from a story of two halves, his mother, having left school at the age of seven, could not read or write, while his father was a highly educated structural engineer.

Years later, having moved with his family to England as a toddler, Bartlett himself was expelled from school (for poor attendance) and a few years later also dropped out of his formal university education. However, what he went on to achieve is more than enough to make any parent proud. In Bartlett’s podcast, and in preparation for his latest book, he has interviewed some of the world's most influential experts and leaders.

While his audience comprises a diverse spectrum of young, aspiring entrepreneurs, creators, business leaders, and high-net-worth individuals, the lessons he shares, and the teachings of those he interviews, can be of value to anyone on the path to success. Reflecting on many of his interviews, Bartlett's 33 laws hold insights and practical wisdom for all, while offering accessible anecdotes to provide a roadmap for personal development.

Pillar 1: The Self

Bartlett breaks his book into four pillars: The Self, The Story, The Philosophy, and The Team. In our first?article, we start by focusing on the first pillar. The Self is the pillar focused on you: your own abilities, skills, capabilities, and growth.

This pillar focuses on “your self-awareness, your self-control, self-care, self-conduct, self-esteem, self-story". As a base for personal growth and development, the self — and your understanding of your own self — is key to your success, both in business and in your day-to-day life.

Bartlett’s first 9 laws make up the pillar focused on The Self. But how can mastering these laws help you boost your performance in sales? How does mastering the self help you hit targets and secure revenue for your company? Over the coming weeks, we'll take a look at the first 9 lessons sales professionals can take from Bartlett’s laws.

All the best,




