Boost your public speaking skills!
Allan Rees-Bevan
Managing Director at Morae | Distinguished Toastmaster | Keynote Speaker | Mentor | Executive Coach | Solutions Evangelist
Those of you who know me (or read my profile) know that I am a member of Toastmasters International. We teach and learn public speaking, without doubt the best skill I have in my career.
My local club in Sydney, Magnificent Mosman Toastmasters Club has a partnership with Roseville Toastmasters Club, to offer a Quick Start Program called Speechcraft to be held on 2 separate Saturdays. The dates are Saturdays 1st and 15th May and the investment is just $390 for the two days. The venue is in Willoughby. This includes comprehensive workbooks, lunch, tea and coffee.
Where else could you get such a professional public speaking course which has been running for 20 years at that price? In the corporate world this course would be $3,000 to $5,000 per person. You will be set up with skills for life and have much more confidence at your first Toastmaster’s meeting when you are ready to attend. Here is what you will learn:-
- Communication skills including body language, tonality and language
- How to overcome nerves
- How to construct, prepare and deliver a speech
- Skills for impromptu speaking
- How to add humour and props to a presentation
- Storytelling techniques
- MC skills – introducing and thanking speakers
- Evaluations
- Tips for presenting on powerpoint, whiteboards and flipcharts
You will have the opportunity to prepare and deliver short speeches and be given valuable guidance on how to improve. Grab your opportunity, bite the bullet and do this now to fast track your success.
For more information and to book go to:
To discuss further call Jenny Cartwright 0414 543 289