Boost Your Productivity with START+V Clipboard Shortcut
Today, let's uncover a hidden gem within the Microsoft Windows operating system computers that often goes unnoticed and unaware of the START+V shortcut.
in: START + V
out: CTRL + V
While CTRL+V has been a staple for pasting from the clipboard calling the only recently copied thing, text, or image, the shortcut of Start+V is an alternative and a game-changer shortcut that many people are unaware of this shortcut existence.
To access this feature, simply press the Windows Start Button along with the V key on your keyboard at the same time. This quick and efficient shortcut allows you to seamlessly paste previously copied text or images. Incorporating START+V into your workflow can significantly enhance your office performance.
Next time you effortlessly paste information, colleagues may wonder about your newfound efficiency. Embrace the START+V shortcut and stay ahead in the world of Windows productivity!
You can copy up to 25 items to your clipboard history. You can also delete, pin, and clear all of the items from the top-right corner (...) button.
If you found this post useful, I have got more shortcuts for your Windows productivity below.
Start Button + I --> Settings window opens
Start Button + E --> Windows Explorer window opens for file exploring
Start Button + A --> Windows side panel opens for action center
Start Button + D --> See Desktop, if you press again then, it will bring back to your previous screen combination.
Start Button + L --> Easily lock your desktop to prevent any other curious eyes. This is very good when you give a lunch break and you want to lock your computer, this won't turn off your computer, just for the stand by.
Start Button + X --> Performs to open a quick link bar of your Windows. Generally I use this shortcut to get a reach onto settings of Windows.
Start Button + M --> Almost works as Start + D, but this time you minimize your all open windows. You may call them one by one when you need them each.
Thank you for your read.
If you want to work with me, send a message over:
Onur Yolal.