Boost your fertility with 10 ways to De-stress!
Shivam IVF Centre
Shivam IVF Centre (A Unit of Shivam Surgical & Maternity Centre)
Stress may not directly affect fertility. It does adversely affect physiological conditions that have an impact on fertility. Recent research studies increasingly support the idea that stress may be responsible for 30% of all infertility problems. If the problem is getting out of hand consult the Best Blastocyst center in Delhi.
Hence, if you are trying to conceive, it is very important for you to bring your stress levels under control.
Here are a few ways by which you can de-stress-
Laugh it out – laughter is a powerful antidote to stress. It relaxes the whole body, boosts the immune system, and can prevent heart disease. Try to watch comedy movies, enjoy some lighter moments with friends or remember the times that made you laugh.
Write your thoughts- when you feel upset, try writing down whatever comes to your mind or write down feelings in a journal or personal blog. This would help you understand yourself better and have more clarity on your thoughts and feelings. Dr. Bhavana Mittal is an expert in this department, Do consult her.
Get a pet – studies have shown that playing with a pet can greatly reduce stress. If you have time and space for a pet, it would be a wonderful way to get-go of your worries. It is definitely worth it for the joy that comes from seeing the pet respond with affection, or play around the house.
Pick up a hobby – Do you like gardening? You could get some ideas online and try to start your own little kitchen garden, or if you have an interest in cooking, you could learn some new recipes from the latest cooking shows. Whatever your passion is, take some time to cultivate and nurture it, as any activity that brings you satisfaction and joy will have a positive effect on your mind.
Take a vacation – travel always broadens one’s overall vision and makes one discover so much more about the world. Is there any place you have dreamed of visiting? A vacation, even if it is for just a day or two would help you feel refreshed even if time or finances do not permit you to go to your dream place – flip through the photos or wonderful trips that you had in the past. Relive those moments, the fun times, and those happy feelings again.
Volunteering- volunteering can make one feel good by making one feel a sense of accomplishment. Make sure you volunteer periodically. Join a cause or group that you support and get yourself out there!
Meditate – meditation works as a great way to let go of the worries and cares of your day, If you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and your body and mind for about ten minutes every day, you will feel refreshed and will be able to let go of any negative thoughts or doubts. For detailed information consult the Best PGD clinic in Delhi.
Exercise regularly – exercise is not only good for maintaining overall health, but it also releases endorphins, which are the hormones responsible for relaxing the body. Make sure to exercise regularly, for at least 30 minutes as many times a week as you can, to keep stress away.
Meet your friends –we all have that one friend or group of friends who are always there for us when we need them. Having a strong support system always helps. Make sure you socialize on a regular basis and meet people who love and care about you. Talk to your parents often and share your thoughts and your life with them. It can be tough to find time to spend with others when one is busy with one’s daily life, but it makes a lot of difference.
Listen to music – Music is an instant mood lifter, scientific studies have shown that listening to classical music can, regulate your heart rate, lower blood pressure, and decrease the levels of stress hormones. It is a good idea, therefore, to listen to the kind of music, you enjoy, whenever you find that things are getting overwhelming.
Sometimes the best way to obtain stress relief is to remove your source of tension. Example-if you are in a job working at a certain pace in an environment that is objectively painful because of your boss, coworkers, and so on, and you’re doing it because you can earn 10 percent more money than doing something else. The extra monetary value earned isn’t worth the mental peace you sacrificed for it. You might want to do it all, but you can't, at least not without paying a price. Learning to say no or being willing to delegate can help you manage your to-do list and your stress. Saying yes may seem like an easy way to keep the peace, prevent conflicts and get the job done right. But it may actually cause you internal conflict because your needs and those of your family come second, which can lead to stress, anger, resentment, and even the desire to exact revenge. And that's not a very calm and peaceful reaction.
If new stressors are challenging your ability to cope or if self-care measures just aren’t relieving your stress, you may need to look for reinforcement in the form of therapy or counseling. Therapy may also be a good idea if you feel overwhelmed or trapped, if you worry excessively or if you have trouble carrying out daily routines or meeting responsibilities at work, home, or school. Professional counselors or therapists can help you identify sources of your stress and learn new coping tools.