Boost your energy with natural ingredients

Boost your energy with natural ingredients

Starting from the whole food concept, our partner has developed natural minerals and vitamins from selected plants and fruits origin to provide vegan and vegetarian friendly alternatives to the common nutrients.

Thanks to the gentle extraction process, our partner is able to preserve the whole range of nutrients naturally presents in the original plants used while delivering high quality ingredients.

We are proud to present the following actives ready available for your formulations :

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Natural Zinc

Alternative to the traditional synthetic source of Zinc, we offer a blend of Proteinate, Organic Acid and Fatty Acid form of Zinc, all exactly as present in nature, originated by Holy Basil, Shiitake mushroom and Oyster mushroom.

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Natural Folate - Vitamin B9

Natural form of Folate obtained by Spinach leaves. In this product you can find various form of folate that can contribute to your health after body transformation.

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Natural Vitamin D3

Cholecalciferol obtained from wild collected Lichens (Cladonia Rangiferina).

This is the safest and highest form of natural D3 you can find.

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