Boost Your Energy and Achieve Your Goals
Connie Ragen Green - Boost Your Energy and Achieve Your Goals

Boost Your Energy and Achieve Your Goals

How to Boost Your Energy to Achieve Your Goals and Dreams

Have you ever experienced that groggy mid-day slump, unsure how you’re going to get through the remaining hours in your day? Your energy levels are shot, and you need a quick pick me up if you’re going to continue to be productive and focused. We’ve all been there, right? Whether you work in an office all day or find yourself chasing after toddlers at home, you NEED energy if you’re going to be functioning at your absolute best. Day to day life can be full of ups and downs, stressful moments and crazy chaos that will easily take control and have a huge impact on your mood, your productivity and your health.

Higher energy levels will allow you to manage all this “life” in a better, more streamlined way. Not only that, you’ll tend to be a happier, more positive person in the long run. But how do you make sure your energy levels are top notch, when you rarely have a moment to breathe during the day? You’re in luck! There are several simple ways to give yourself that much needed pick me up, even on the busiest of days. Here are 10 simple, quick ways to boost your energy when you lack time, patience and money.

Laugh: One of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to boost your energy is to give yourself permission to laugh. Laughter is truly the best medicine when it comes to lightening the mood and creating a happier, more positive vibe in your life. Not only that, your energy levels will skyrocket after a good chuckle or two. If you’ve ever noticed, children find it super easy to work laughter into their life. As adults, we become serious and responsible and meh. Where is the fun in that?

Start trying to find ways to work laughter into your day – watch some funny animal videos on YouTube, look up funny jokes or recount a past memory that made you LOL to someone you know. Allow yourself to do a full on, belly laugh at least once a day. By adding more laughter into your life, you’ll be amazed at how much more energy you have to make it through all of the “not-so-laughable” moments.

Connect with Others: As humans, we need connection to thrive in all areas of our life, including how much energy we have on a daily basis. Going it alone, although sometimes easier, will not prove wise when it comes to maintaining healthy energy levels as well as a happy, positive outlook. No matter how much of an introvert you are, you still need meaningful connections to make you feel at your absolute best. Whether you’re connecting with your own family, making new friends, or spending time with old ones, it’s super important to create a time and space to build these relationships.

The great thing is, it doesn’t take a ton of time, effort or money. In fact, technology has made it super easy to connect, even when you can’t physically be together. Try video chatting an old friend or a grandparent or start a weekly zoom call with a group of mom friends where you briefly get to unwind from the chaos of daily life. You can always go back to the old way of doing things and send a handwritten note or card to someone you haven’t talked to in a while, or a simple phone call/text can do the trick as well. Connecting with others on a regular basis will keep your energy levels high and work wonders on your mental, physical and emotional well-being.

Stay Hydrated: A perfect way to give yourself a quick energy boost is to keep a glass of water handy all day long. Staying hydrated is so important to your overall health and can be a game changer when it comes to how productive and energetic you feel throughout the day. Even the slightest dehydration can cause you to feel fatigued so it’s best to avoid going in that direction. Keep a water bottle with you at all times so you can fill it up on the go – it will make it a little easier to avoid opting for that sugary, caffeine induced fix when you have another option at your fingertips.

If drinking water isn’t second nature for you, there are a few things you can do to make it more of a habit. Try using a tracking app to keep up with how many glasses you have each day. Start having water with every meal or increase the amount of water-rich foods you eat – watermelon, cucumber and zucchini are a great place to start! Put some lemon or strawberries in your water and give it that flavor-filled boost. Adding more water to your diet is a super simple way to boost your energy and put yourself on the path to better, overall health.

Get Outside: When you’re feeling drained, a great way to give yourself an energy boost is to get outside and soak up some fresh air and vitamin D. When you’re short on time, spending a few moments in the great outdoors – this is a regular part of my morning routine – can re-energize you and make you feel much more awake and alive. The great thing is, you don’t have to have a wooded area and a bunch of hiking trails to get the true benefit of nature.

Simply step outside your back door or head to a nearby park for 15-20 minutes to immerse yourself in the world’s natural beauty. When you get a daily dose of nature, you’ll not only feel more productive and focused, but you’ll notice your stress levels decreasing as well. Start making it a priority to step outside for a little bit each day and let the world’s natural healing powers go to work. Your physical, mental and emotional health will thank you in the long run.

Eat Healthy: Nutrition plays a vital role in how much energy you have throughout your day. There is nothing that can drain you faster than a diet full of empty calories and zero nutritional value, yet this is what many people live on to “get them through” the day. Processed foods, sugary drinks and too many drive through options have gotten in the way of clean eating and made it way too easy to fall prey to bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle.

If you want to give yourself a natural energy boost, start filling your plate with more fruits and veggies instead of opting for fast food and processed everything. Meal planning is key when it comes to healthy nutrition because there’s less temptation to grab something unhealthy on the go. Start making your lunches ahead of time or opt for a home cooked meal instead of ordering pizza.

Simple tweaks to some of your daily habits will work wonders on your overall health and the amount of energy you feel. By giving your body the right kind of fuel, you’ll be able to function at your absolute best, no matter how crazy your day gets.

Health and lifestyle strategist Cheryl A. Major wrote about Health & Wellness When Working From Home and says…

If you’re not used to keeping yourself on a regimen of choosing healthy foods, you may find you’re eating too many snacks…potato chips, crackers, cookies…you get the idea. It can be hard when you have this kind of freedom to choose a salad over a microwaved burrito. Also, the temptation to order food in is great. Remember the money saved by not eating out that I mentioned earlier? If you’re calling UberEats or Door Dash all the time, you can forget about saving that money. Another challenge; I’ve talked with too many people recently who say they have packed on the pounds once they suddenly found themselves working from home. Ah willpower…
Willpower extends to more than food choices. Let’s revisit that first negative effect of needing to create and stick to an efficient work schedule. Many people find themselves binge watching Netflix when they start working at home. This is detrimental not only because you’re wasting your valuable time, but also because you’re increasing the time you sit. Being a couch potato is never in your best interest.

Get More Sleep: Lack of sleep can have a big impact on the energy you feel throughout your day, yet it’s not high on the priority list for many people. Sleep is one of those things that easily takes second place to work deadlines, after school activities and those ever so important Netflix binges. However, by not allowing your body the chance to properly recharge overnight, you risk fatigue and exhaustion as the day goes on. Not to mention, your mood won’t be an overly happy one either.

If your sleep schedule has been somewhat of a coin flip, start creating a nighttime routine that works for you. Try winding down an hour or two before you would normally crash – read a book, take a warm bubble bath or try a 5-minute meditation. Leave the television off, put your phone down for once and start going to bed at the same time each night. You’ll feel much more productive, focused and on top of your game when you allow your body the sleep it needs to recharge for the day ahead.

Move Your Body: The perfect time to get your heart pumping and your body moving is when you are in desperate need of an afternoon pick me up. This alone can help boost you up and give you the energy you need to get through the rest of your day. The best part is, you don’t have to commit to an hour-long workout or join an expensive gym. Simply get up from your desk or the couch and get your feet moving. Take a quick walk around the block or do some quick stretches in your cubicle. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or opt for the parking space farthest away from the building.

If you’re at home, turn up the tunes and show off your best dance moves in the privacy of your kitchen. You will be amazed at how much more energetic you feel when you include a little simple exercise into your daily routine.

Fitness and movement expert Kathy Denise Hicks shared 5 Ways to Stay Fit at Work

The effects of a sedentary lifestyle is talked about all over the media and at some time or another has affected most of us. Symptoms of sitting for much of the day include leg and gluteal muscle loss and dysfunction, lower back pain, weight gain, and a number of chronic illnesses including diabetes, depression and anxiety, and deep vein thrombosis. This list is not exhaustive, but I am sure you already know this and have felt and experienced a few of them.
I want to inspire you to take action and incorporate several simple ways to stay fit and active during work hours. Whether you are an attorney or a nanny, artist or school teacher, taking time to add a little self care for your own body, is good for business. Your greatest asset is your body and keeping it moving without pain can be one of your new priorities.

Kick the Habit: Sometimes the best way to boost your energy is to know what NOT to do. Over time, it’s easy to allow bad habits to creep in and have an impact on your overall health including how focused and energetic you are over the course of the day. Daily habits like social media, shopping, smoking and drinking alcohol can put a huge damper on your productivity and cause you to feel tired and worn down. There’s a popular belief that alcohol helps you sleep better because it makes you drowsy, however, it can actually interfere with how much rest you get each night.

When you don’t get enough sleep, you’re not going to function at 100%. Similarly, over time smoking can reduce the amount of oxygen your body gets and cause your energy levels to plummet without much effort. The moral of the story? Take note of those bad habits that deplete your energy and start making strides to eliminate them from your life once and for all, exchanging them for a solid morning routine and positive habits.

Stress reduction expert Shirley Noah shared her thoughts in The 12 Smart Things You Can Do to Stay Healthy Working From Home

Just because you’re working at home doesn’t mean you have to throw all that away. What that routine looks like is up to you but can include laying out your clothes the night before, getting up at the same time every day, having the same breakfast every day, blocking out work time and family time, etc.
Creating rituals for yourself can reduce stress and “automate” your day. Productivity expert, Tonya Dalton, author of The Joy of Missing Out: Live More by Doing Less, offers a great perspective of helping you know where to start.
Creating a routine can be particularly helpful if you have children or a family that requires attention. For example, if you and your partner have to tag teamwork and be with the kids, scheduling who gets to work when will help keep you both sane and minimize resentment.

Self-Care: One thing that can really take a toll on your energy levels is not making enough time for self-care. A big misconception is that self-care has to cost a ton of time and money, neither or which is true. You can easily work self-care into any schedule by simply setting aside a short amount of time for YOU on a daily/weekly basis. Most people get so busy with the daily chaos of life that they rarely make time for anything self-care related. Don’t let yourself fall into that trap. Start by deciding on day/time that works for you where you can focus strictly on yourself. It could be one day a week for 30 minutes or 7 days a week for 10 minutes each day.

No matter what you decide, just make it a schedule you can stick with. The best part is, you don’t have to treat yourself to an expensive spa day (unless of course, that’s your thing). Make time to read that book you’ve been wanting to dig into or relax in a nice, warm bubble bath. Give yourself a DIY manicure or watch some funny YouTube videos that make you belly laugh. When you start making time for yourself, you’ll find that you have so much more time to boost your energy and help you through the busy rush of daily life.

“Lifestyle Design” expert Kimberly Love shared these tips in Health Tips for Entrepreneurs Who Need Better Self-Care:

Self Care isn’t Selfish – You must put your own health & wellness first. My 6 year old son taught me this lesson when I was dealing with cancer. He said, “You’re always taking good care of me but you need to take care of you, so you can be my Mommy longer. You’re the only Mom, I’ve got and I don’t want you to die.” Just like the flight attendant who reminds us to put on our own oxygen mask we must take care of ourselves first. Who do you need to show up for and be your best & healthiest self each day?
Laughter is the Best Medicine – Look at the story of Norman Cousins, who made remarkable recovery from a severe and life-threatening disease of the connective tissue called degenerative collagen illness.”I made the joyous discovery that 10 minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep,” he wrote. Find ways to bring fun and laughter into your every day life. This is my favorite one of the tips for entrepreneurs because it is so fun and can be as simple as watching a funny movie or a comedian.

Do Some Stretches: When your energy levels start bottoming out, try adding a stretch break to your daily routine. Stretching is a great way to wake yourself up and give you that much needed boost to get you through the rest of the day. Coupled with deep breathing, stretching can also assist in better flexibility, circulation and posture. The best part is, stretches take little to no time to complete and can be done at any part of day – morning, noon or night.

From a full body stretch to the downward facing dog to a crescent lunge, there is no limit to the variety of stretches you can work into your day. Set aside 5-10 minutes a day and add one or two stretches into your routine. You can always build up from there if you choose but keep it simple in the beginning and just be consistent. As you begin to make stretching part of your normal routine, you’ll be amazed at how your energy levels skyrocket.

Even if you lack time, patience and money, low energy isn’t something you have to settle for. You can easily start to boost your energy with a few of these tips. The key is to become aware of the things that zap your energy the most. Once you do this, you can start to build habits that will increase your energy so you’re ready to take on anything that comes your way. From stepping outside to enjoy some vitamin D to belly laughing with a good friend to taking a mid-day stretch break, there are so many ways to give yourself a much needed pick me up that will put you on the path towards better health and the ability to boost your energy at will in no time at all.

This article originally published on my site at

I’m bestselling Wall Street Journal and USA Today author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.


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