Boost Your Efficiency with Microsoft Edge Collections

Boost Your Efficiency with Microsoft Edge Collections

During my morning routine, I open over 20 web pages to do a quick review of reports and dashboards. This helps me start the business day and ensure I don’t have any fires that need to be put out before I go about the rest of the day. This is a lot of links and favorites to remember but fortunately, Edge offers a cool feature called “Collections” that allows you to choose a group of sites to open together.

To use this feature, on the top menu bar within Edge there is an icon for Collections and then to start a new collection.


Collection menu icon on the tool bar
Collection Link on Microsoft Edge Manu

If you want to start a new Collection, you simply name it and add any current page you have open to the group. Then to add more pages you simply open the pages you want in the collection and select “Add Current Page”.

Adding a new colection
Adding a new collection is easy

Once the collection is created, you can right-click on the Collection to open all the pages that are in the collection at one time.

Using the right click to open multiple pages
Right-clicking on a collection to open all pages

The collection will show in the menu bar as a tab group, and you can click on that group to expand or contract the list or close pages as you complete your review.

The collection as a tab group
Collection shown as a tab group

Besides making the start of my day a little more efficient and ensuring I don’t miss the information that I’m looking for, when you are logged into Edge, the data is stored with your profile. This means if you need to change computers your collections and favorites will follow you! Not only do I have my collections if I move from my laptop to a server, but I also have it in Edge on my cell phone.

?Using the Collections feature in Edge has streamlined my morning routine and enhanced my productivity. It allows me to effortlessly manage and access multiple web pages, ensuring that I start each day informed and prepared. I recommend exploring this feature to anyone looking to optimize their workflow, open numerous sites with a few clicks, and maintain seamless access to online resources, regardless of the device they are using.

What times help you save time during your daily routine?


