Boomers on the Go
(Part II)

Boomers on the Go (Part II)

This is Part II of my blog on Baby Boomers[1], one of the largest and most influential generations in American history. Let’s start with a few statistics.

Interesting Facts[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7]

·??????? American baby boomers, who account for 20% of the country’s population, own 52% of its net wealth, worth $76 Trillions!

·??????? 93% of Baby Boomers have smartphones and 75% use mobiles apps to stay connected to the world.

·??????? Boomers account for 80% of luxury travel spending.

·??????? Two-thirds of Baby Boomers chose hotels/motels as their preferred accommodation when travelling domestically (62% when traveling internationally).

·??????? 76% of Baby Boomers are members of a hotel loyalty programme; 27% of a cruise loyalty programme.

·??????? About a fifth of Baby Boomers that leave online reviews will comment on the hotels where they stayed.

·??????? Baby Boomers are known for their brand loyalty. Once they find a hospitality business that understands and caters to their needs, they are likely to stick with it and tell their friends and family about it, leading to repeat business.

Most Popular Destinations[8]

The most popular destinations for American boomers are Hawaii, Australia, Italy, and Alaska. But overall, Europe is the first choice for those travelling internationally.

American boomers’ top domestic travel destinations are Florida, California, New York, Texas, and Las Vegas.

Fun facts[9],[10],[11],[12]

·??????? George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump (born in 1946) as well as Barack Obama (1963) are all Baby Boomers.

·??????? In the US, Boomers comprise 36.8% of Maine’s total population. New Hampshire, Montana, Vermont, and West Virginia round out the top five.

·??????? A recent survey from the National Endowment for Financial Education found that most Boomer parents (59%) provide financial support for adult children aged 18 to 39.

·??????? Many iconic celebrities who are baby boomers have influenced pop culture and touched the lives of millions, like Dolly Parton (born in 1946), Elton John (1947, born in England as Reginald Kenneth Dwight), Meryl Streep (1949), Bill Murray (1950), Robin Williams (1951), Jeff Goldblum (1952) Piece Brosnan (1953), and many others.

·??????? Some typical movies from the Boomers generation include The Sound of Music (1965), 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), A Clockwork Orange (1971), The Godfather (1972), and Jaws (1975).

Boomers are an important segment of the American population and avid travelers. Many of them are willing to pay extra to get great lodgings and services.

Unfortunately, the number one issue in the hotel industry is staff shortage. This is why adopting an electronic tipping solution like TIP&GO?, which can increase employees’ earnings by up to 30%, is a must for hoteliers concerned about their guests’ comfort.


Francis Léonard, CEO




15 min demo





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[1] Individuals born between 1946 and 1964













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