#BookTrailers ~ 10 Volume Series on "Attaining Divine Consciousness!"? Holiday & New Year's Highlight!
"Behold ~ I Make All Things New!"

#BookTrailers ~ 10 Volume Series on "Attaining Divine Consciousness!" Holiday & New Year's Highlight!

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Dear Followers, Friends and Lovers of Spiritual Books ~

It is my great pleasure to introduce you to my 10 Book Series on ATTAINING DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS in every aspect of your life. With the Glory of the New Year and the eternal cycle of renewal happening right now within our very souls ~ within these books you will find the most lustrous ways and means to lift yourself to whole new levels of Light, Love and Oneness so great as to bring about the next most beneficent step in evolution for yourself and for our world.

The following trailers give just a hint of each subject contained within each book, covering every area of human common concern from overall mental, spiritual, emotional, & physical advancement to the next level of radiant being to specific application of Highest Spiritual Principle and Law to your everyday experience. Soar to the summit of being and bring Divine Patterns in to bless your every circumstance, whether in the area of Divine Romance, Perfect and Permanent Healing, Living the Miraculous Life at every moment, or discovering the way to Eternal Prosperity without end.

For more complete descriptions of the contents and chapters of each book and reviews, simply press any video trailer below to view direct on my You Tube Channel ~ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGrxqinM3l7cef6XPszVy3w. While you are there, explore all the Playlists, offering a host of specific categories of Higher Consciousness in depth talks, inspirational meditations, radio shows, and more! Here you can also freely subscribe to keep up to date.

ATTAINING DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS ~ Volume I: "Expanding Horizons of Mind!" ~ The very first step in manifesting new good in our lives is "Raising Consciousness" to the level of the Divine within, far transcendent of any experience of the past. "I cannot stress enough how soulful this book is. It draws us closer to a journey that one will never forget for a long time even after reading it."?James Anderson

ATTAINING DIVINE CONSCIIOUSNESS ~ Volume II: "The Divine Manifesting Laws!" ~ After you have sufficiently “Raised Consciousness” (in Volume I) to the level of the Divine within, it is time to learn how to use the great Laws of the Universe for lustrous manifestations, exceeding every good of the past. "This book happens once in a lifetime. Nothing ever compares to the magnificence that I have encountered here."?John Dela

ATTAINING DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS ~ Volume III: "The Risen Consciousness!"

After you have raised your consciousness to the Highest Level of the "Divine In You" in Volume I, and then learned how to use the Great Laws of Mind & Manifestation in Volume II, whole worlds of lustrous capacities are opened unto you.

In Volume III of this evolutionary series ~ Discover the transcendent qualities that shall be yours, and that every Master enjoys, once risen above all limitation… once re-united with the Divine within. In this series of Higher Consciousness talks, Dr. Linda describes this summit state of existence ~ together with the qualities that manifest as you rise Higher and Higher in bliss. "What an incredible reading experience! I felt as if I were being transported into another dimension where the magic happens. A million praises to the author for her efforts in writing such a helpful and self-transformative book. Highly recommended to anybody." Dianna Wilson

BRIDGE OF THE GODS ~ A Handbook for Ascending Humanity: "The Golden Pathway to Your Highest God Self! The 12 Chapters take the reader on an awesome dynamic journey of the Divine Soul, all the way from "The Awakening" to the "Promised Land" (fulfillment of your major heart's desires). Rich in stories, practical techniques for transformation, and soaring meditations ~ this book can take you to the Highest Levels of the Kingdom within. "If we all read this book, the world will be filled with enlightened people- joining forces to unite a world that loves, gives, and manifests the true essence of their soul! Read it and surprise yourself with what might happen to your soul."?Freddie Peterson

SONGS OF ETERNITY ~ "Contemplations, Treatments and Meditations on the Word of God!" Rich in Mysticism and soaring in the exquisite rhythms, metaphors and poetic majesty of the Eternal Soul, “Songs Of Eternity” is a Master Book of Highest Principle and Law. Written for the benefit of the evolving Soul ~ ever advancing into the Eternal Light of Perfection, “Songs Of Eternity” gives birth to stunning illuminations, and brings about a grounding of the Divine Self in every way. "Highly religious, soul-stirring, and inspiring. Every keystroke that she strikes, every letter that she types bring happiness and joy. A beautiful book to read to get the highest healing in ourselves. It speaks with truth and beauty.? Paisley Booker

LIVING THE MIRACLE CONSCIOUSNESS ~ Attaining the Kingdom of Greatest Eternal Good! "Heaven on Earth!" "Living The Miracle Consciousness" is more than just about miracles, and living in the Kingdom of Bliss all the time...uniting with all the Divine and Universal Forces for manifesting a limitless world of good. It is about entering Highest Levels of the glorious Truth of your very own being, and recovering all the glory, wholeness, unity, peace, power and splendor of the Divine Soul within. Rich in soaring meditations and transformational exercises for the reader to practically apply Highest Principles to their everyday experience; "Living The Miracle Consciousness" takes the reader on an accelerated journey into the many mansions of Divine Splendor ~ penetrating the Sacred Kingdoms and Laws of instant materialization, self-reliance, Unity with God and direct manifestation of every good conceivable. "If you are looking for a book that will instill your mind and heart with takeaways that are so thrilling and exhilarating to deeply think upon, you have got to read Living the Miracle Consciousness by Linda De Coff." ?Alistair Love

DIVINE ROMANCE & PERFECT PARTNERSHIP ~ The Immortal Principles and Powers of Divine Love! In this stunning book on the incomparable powers and joys of Divine Romance & Perfect Partnership, Dr. Linda offers enlightening keys on how to prepare for, recognize and attract your perfect eternal mate ~ and how to sustain your relationship forever. Ultimate Laws of Attraction, Affinity and the All Powers of Unconditional Love are revealed, for ~ there is no doubt that the greatest mantra for all the vast array of relationships in your life exists in the Timeless and Immortal words ~ "Where there are two or more gathered in my name, there I am!" ?"For me, this book is much more than a discussion. It is a work of art that embodies a strong sense of actualization, knocking down every door that has been shut in me in order to make way for the blessings that God will bestow upon me." Tironia Wilson

IMMORTALITY NOW AND FOREVER ~ "How To Live forever in Your Divine Body of Light!" In this book on the Immortal Essence of our ever on-going lives, Dr. Linda poses the provocative question: Are death, dying, disease and aging ideas born of Spiritual Perfection, or are they of the Mortal Mind? If not, perhaps “Now is the Time” to let go of these debilitating concepts forever, and begin to live your every moment from the consciousness of your Divine and Immortal Life and Gifts. Extend Your Life indefinitely, through the realization of the “Immortal I Am within.” ~ ever transcendent of time and experience, ever empowered to rise anew. "With an astounding talent for writing and a remarkable prowess for teaching and guidance, the giftings and awakenings that Linda De Coff imparts to thousands of people through her book Immortality Now and Forever are nothing short of priceless."?Christine Moore

MYSTICISM & ULTIMATE DIVINE HEALING PROCESSES ~ The Perfect Principles and Patterns of God! *Discover the Profound Healing Secrets of the Mystics of the Ages, and learn how to Identify with the Limitless Divine Principles and Capacity of God-within-you. Live the Life of Miraculous Healing in every Department of concern. Understand the Divine Principles always available to you, and the way to activate through applying the Highest Consciousness of Spiritual Mind Treatment ~ Your Ultimate Healing Tool! "This book contains the most profound wisdom there is to know. I love the methods and the powerful affirmations. There is only one common denominator here, it is Love. A great book indeed. Groundbreaking and informative. A must-read!” Irish Travis

DIVINE PROSPERITY ~ 12 Steps to Your Perfect Consciousness of Infinite and Eternal Supply! DIVINE PROSPERITY ~ "The Unexpected Income Program" is all inclusive of all the Principles of Infinite and Eternal Supply. that you would ever need to know ~ in order to live the Divine Life of Abundant Prosperity at every moment. The Twelve Stages of Consciousness raising information, empowering transformational exercises and exquisite meditations lead the reader to the summit of bliss where all thought has now become one with the Infinite and Eternal, and where all substance is at hand for every good demonstration under Heaven. In depth introductions for each phase provide inspiring stories where the change in consciousness brought most wondrous demonstration for the individual concerned. Learn how to manifest Divine Substance at will. Discover the true essence of Abundance that you are! Apply the glorious Truth to All in your World! "Reverend Dr. De Coff speaks her mind with the truth and helps other people to live their lives in the most richly rewarding way. Meditate to clear your mind, and fill it with powerful mantras and a faith that knows no bounds; be one with the Divine Abundance and enjoy the richest of heavens. Through reading this book, I realize that financial well-being is not the only abundance that will come into your way but also healing, well-being, and richness into other aspects of life as well. It is a wonderful book indeed. Highly recommended for everyone who's looking for a whole new level of Spirituality." Brooke Frye

TO READ MORE REVIEWS FROM READERS ~ Visit my Goodreads Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5369714.Linda_De_Coff

*To get a copy of any of book in Paperback, Hardcover or Kindle, visit my Amazon Author Page. https://www.amazon.com/Reverend-Dr.-Linda-De-Coff/e/B08TKD3FWK

To Subscribe to my You Tube Channel ~ simply click here. Check out my Playlist on "Divine Prosperity" for a special 12 video live series given at Swannanoa Palace.

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Wishing all the most blessed Easter and Passover Seasons, filled with the Light of Divine Renewing Energies and unprecedented transcendence of every issue of the past. Let the greatest mantra of the Christ Consciousness of ever-new life flow through you ~ "I Am the Resurrection and the Life!"

Love & Light Forever Free, Forever Unbound ~





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