Are Bookstores Catering to Client Need?

Persuasion mastery is an art requiring much practice. 

Have you ever believed in something so passionately that you have been compelled to attempt to influence people’s belief? I have. 

My sister, an avid reader has difficulty in reading print type in published works. Because of this, she has turned to large print editions of works and to talking books. The choice of reading material available in both forms, she has found, is limited.

Having heard her complaints about lack of choice afforded poor sighted readers, I decided to check out our libraries databases and found the range of materials available uninspiring.  So, I hiked off to one of the larger bookstores and perused. My examination of the items stocked showed the focus, in store, to be, cookbooks, health, how to do, life stories of sportspersons, fancy stationery, toys and what I would class as knick-knacks. Fiction, the gutsy stuff was predominantly rehashes of older works by overseas writers. No New Zealand authors, No large print.

When I approached the checkout desk, behind which three workers stood talking, I waited, waited. waited. Finally, I called, “Excuse me.”  Three heads turned in my direction. Having interrupted their tete-a tete, I asked, “Where will I find Large Print Books?”

 The staff members looked to on another shrugged, and the older of the three, said, “We don’t have any?” and engaged once again in conversation with her colleagues.

Not the answer I wanted. Definitely not the answer I was wanting. Somewhat flummoxed by the terse response and lack of customer care. I said, “Why not stock Large Print books?”

The question obviously not to their liking, the women rolled their eyes, you know the way people do when they think oldies are being a pain. 

“Aren’t any,“ the spokesperson said as she backed away and the other two fled.

Now, I’m an author, traditionally and Indie published. Influencing people is how I reach my goals, so, out the door went persuasive nice.  The terrier in me wakened, “Not true,” I countered. That stopped their retreat. “Large Print Books in many genre are available from independent publishers, Amazon, Lets Write Books Weebly, Writer’s Plot in the Hutt, and Fishpond.”

“Selfpublishers! WE, the we underscored, “we don’t bring Indie works into OUR store.”

“Why not? Indie authors have been awarded the most coveted literary prizes.”

“No demand.”

I eyeballed her. “How do you know? I would have thought every opportunity to cater to the needs of an aging population of readers and draw them into your store would be a goal. Have you ever asked your readers what they want? “

Her mouth opened, closed, opened. Obviously flustered, she grabbed a card with the main branch contacts displayed. “Talk with them,” she hurled as she hurried away.

I was left wondering why in our society where equal opportunity is a priority, bookstores did not stock works that catered to those whose sight was failing.

And now I turn to you fellow readers .You can change the availability of Large Print Books and New Zealand’s author’s works All you have to do is request, request, request of libraries and bookstores until your requests cannot be ignored. 


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