books,authors & readers-what benign impact to humanity? gbemi tijani mst,former unesco leader casually rants for World Book Day,23 April
Books, Authors & Readers –
what benign impact on humanity?
gbemi tijani mst tacitly reflects
for World Book Day 23 April
Blessedly books are common in literate communities of the old and modern industrial revolution facilitated them more copiously in colonial and post-colonial societies ready enough to be educated or informed or entertained. This era also inspired translation works by earliest African scholars such as Bishop Ajayi Crowther who translated the English bible into Yoruba language edition. Being a religious text, it further catalyzed the rapid acquisition and literacy classes by the Baptist, Catholic, Methodist and Anglican missions in different parts of Nigeria and African states. Foreign editions were published into myriads of vernacular media to cater for various levels of literacy. Books became more accessible and portable asset for the new religions especially in colonial territories after the colonial masters have established themselves in tribal communities. The first printing press was set up in Nigeria in 1946.Since then printing press and publishers have sprang up in thousands. Now Digital press also exists. Desk top publishing has been in practice since computers has become part of our business and work experience in post-colonial era.
All these have printed avalanche of books serving the education and the missions and the government.
Books are imperishable assets and tools for gaining wisdom skills and useful in recreating richly reading about others fun,fancy & triumph over trials on this planet or other malicious,horrendous incredible lives on other planets like the works of Julian Huxley,Danie Base ,Le Guin ,C.Clark,Asimov,Amos Tutuola,Fagunwa,Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe,Ngugi Wathiogo,Mongo Beti,Dipoko,Tade, Sunday Adelaja, Miles Munroe,Pius Adesanmi just to portray how diverse books & Writers are and their focus _ productive imaginations skilfully or dramatically or historically filtered or stabilized on paper. Nb For every author cited above there are thousands of the same genre they write in each continent.Due apologies for significant omissions.Rememver this is a impromptu delight in a hurry.
Nb To enjoy reading books you don't have to love books that I or your friends like or have read without sharing your contents.
We might boil the same one egg at different degrees depending on our nutritional literacy.
Glad to witness that these days we have pastors and entertainers who are engaged in spiritual or funny devotion but are not apolitical e.g. Dr Sunday Adelaja based in Ukraine and a Comedian,Selensky who had just won with a landslide electoral victory of 73% , imagine this over an incumbent President in Ukraine-- soon to be installed!9
From global sniffing into political affairs of another country a politician has observed rightly or prophetically that a threshold exists during a disconnected following of a political leader who s dictatorial or evidently not compassionate, the people will just gather themselves and elect their own President!
This prophetic observation was from one of the South American countries.His thought has been proven not only truthfully possible but has happened before our very eyes following a series of elections and 9 re- runs free or militarily supervised elections in this earthly planet,Africa Asia,S.America inclusive.
Good books are best companions & you can also choose and customise gifts for family & friends specific titles or genre that will enrich them.I mean prosper them holistically.i love books
.Books have impacted on my books vision.I also want to write books of miscellaneous themes.
I don't mind collaboration with like minds or different outlook insofar such co author s views are not sinister not ethically pathological to trends in human affairs and the urgency needed to alert all players in local and world politics and legislation timber & caliber on planet earth that wickedness and hostilities and fanatical aloofness shown till date by world bodies supposed ly emerging from tacit fraternity for consolidation of humanity disparage our collective dynamic r(evolution askance Homo sapiens is a mistake by our Creation. Do you think trends in loatheness of same immigrants of the same Republic and refugees tacitly terror free from planet earth not from the Animal Kingdom now also tamed by elected man not by The Man Mountain or the not so impotent Lilliputians fictionalized by George Orwell.Why then can't t Modern 21sy C man be mutually compassionate to screen and scrutinize and welcome their folks from troubled countries?
What books of morality and Ethics and good governance c could be recommended for p. Political leaders whose belching
Alread Powered by Constitutional democracy before they were born? is it true that all people deserves the type of political leadership that rule them at any time in life on earth? Are you sure this could have been the intended handwork of Our Maker? In view of human foibes evidently No,capital NO.According to available books in history and in Holiness spiritual Industry we gave not yet ascribe any iota of loneliness,hatefulness and unspeakable condemnation to Him or Her since we don't know if his or her Majesty is beyond any gender known to us. Our God is a gracious God and he does not condemn except our wicked ways,Deuteronomy 4:31. Rarely do we see - major or minor adhered religions - insofar they are open,simple to follow or practice ,not cultic meaning friendly to non-faithfuls ,evangelical or peacefully proselytizing--- that will support or abbet evil doing against fellow human beings let alone mass bombing more than a dozen innocent citizens of diverse nationality worshipping or recreating in public or private cathedral s , mosques and hotels.It couldn't have been members of a Just Mercy-laden faithful practitioner of any of the holy book oriented legacies that have shaped humanity after due regret of their wicked and persecuting past history.
In short the message in this World book day commemoration is that RELIGION should Not DIVIDE nor DESTROY HUMANITY.
I may modestly say what has evidently estranged humanity in recent 3 decades to narrow history couldn't have been perpetrated by those have mingled with other different faithfuls or those who are doubters,agnostists or atheist's or freethinkers--- i.e.if they are creation of God not of could nt have been otherwise they could be clones…
Hypothesis permitted to generate discourses germane to our origin and why are we not mutually functionally advancing according to our geographic cultural desiderata rather conflicting values due to unproductive mimicking of alien culture hook line and sinker?
.Or are we a Product of a Chemical or Mathematical formulas as some German scientists wrote in The Times or was it Newsweek some 30 years back?
If you are acquainted with books in a good well stocked library or a trendy bookstore where the tradition of book culture, book buying, book gifting and book Garret is joyful and common you will agree that man s brain is truly higher than other animals with which we share the class Mammalia...
.I like to mark down those who love books genuinely and create space in a mansion or a well invested bus- house by Leslie, a creatively enterprising former finance career woman who carefully installed a book library in her experimental home as a logical option to buying a home in Manhattan that range from $70000 and above.
She's tired of transacting fund matters but now inured in doing projects that will bring fulfillment to her life. Just like me bored of working just for business sake alone!No never it's never been part of my DNA.I love challenges and stretching creative horizon and if I m supported it will be for the good of humanity.
If we create space for these speechless creations tagged books of various sizes and volumes and sacredness by man we will be perpetuating a civilization of congruous values than otherwise neglect book culture for a 24-7 unguarded expensive cyber or TV culture.
W e will also be expanding human worth and profile beyond loyally brilliantly diligently working for one man s company or Consortiumin or an establishment for life.
No qualms.
No crime.
Nothing dis-respective on this privilege or opportunity.A lot of Japanese workers are like this or have experienced this type of labour history.A Canadian Management book confirmed this decades ago how a Japanese patriotic industrialist,Onitsuka a sport shoes manufacturer tgat wanted Japanese youth to perform swiftly and win Olympic medals for Jaoan. He offered generous shares for his workers and he didn't regret this act when he was sick and recovered fully and return to his tgrivibg company.
This loyal attitude of workers not of large percentage ownership of the business is common in other Eastern & Western continents as well. The bottom line question -- is there a good or chubby breathing space for your workers after a year or a decade service? Mind you ---some workers wages are reviewed five years interval and in developing country that I m most familiar with these days they may even go on annual leave without a bonus pay or retire without immediate gratuity after 35 years of impeccable loyalty!
So there are differentials in labor reward pattern in this earthly world.
Our Universities are far from an impeccable institutions but I like their Sabbatical culture.
'Go and teach or mingle elsewhere and bring more knowledge which is wealth -laden wisdom.
Imagine a developing coubtry with many department s of engineering science & tech useful enough to be consulted first for an enhanced grid power generation & distribution has not thought it worth the trial to consult locally.Billions of dollars gave been politically budgeted since 1999 till 2019 ..
Nigerians in particular haven't experienced more than epileptic power since then In 21st c citizens deserve regular power supply from the grid or decentralised system other than for book reading which is vital too otherwise we produce a nation of rite learners and certificate -holders majorly - which is a narrow way to a balanced education.
Ample electric power for decades eluded us .There hasn't been a focused serious willpower to tackle power supply24)7 which a sister country Ghan a ha s achieved more than a decade from now.There s not been governmental concrete target despite mammoth budget for power augmentation since the 80s till date.To make it ridiculous we are even told the delivery of a 24/7 power supply may not be realized till 2020 and are we even talking or expecting 20 or 30 megawatts? No they are talking just a paltry 7meg! Despite the billions of dollars other than previous $16b that has miraculous ly put the largest economy in black Africa in the dark since 3 decades running thriving in the docility and mutually corrupt system that make it difficult to pinpoint culpability.But time and tenure alone retribute.As a local Yoruba parlance say s " KOSI ASEGBE, ASEPAMO KOWA meaning nothing you do has no repercussion however secretly done or unknown to other people.
Wish a lot of leaders in the political and bureacratic settings also read books that enable them to have compassion for their citizens ,deliver democratic Dividends and who knows if Canonical or God Kingdom books that will enable them to stretch their imagination beyond the lucre of money and power will help prepare them for Good Governance and Coach By Example their citizen's how to follow As efficient citizens too.
As Evangelist McGatlin co - founder of Openheavens.will say 'all inventions of man that are benevolent are part of God s kingdom Light on earth and others are from the satanic or Darkness side .
Pasteur Victor Wellington based in Paris had just finished a 3rd Annual Priere(Prayer) Conference in concert with Oding & other Servants of God and pastors and his admonition is timely .That we should stop engaging in over praising our earthly Kings who are our General Overseers of our Missions or Big Churches,we should be praising the King of Kings who placed them and anointed them to lead others to their destiny fulfilment. as God s plan and purpose for them.They shouldn't be a barrier for holistic unfurling of His blessings for the good of all And His Glory and better tenure of earth before a definite mortality clock .He concisely preached this on his Facebook - Messenger page still harmlessly hot and serving this Easter season.He cited from the Bible and visually illustrated the consequences of women praising David more than Saul who had respectively delivered Ten Thousands & one thousands of Philistines ,Israelites foes of old amplified in 1 Samuel 18:7
Even in secular activities we should be wary of praising with ulterior motives.Pure motives should be encouraged otherwise our values will be wedged against material or perishable values and we are transcendentally created to pursue much more than fleeting values for humankind as well as for eternity.If we grasp or embrace this spiritual messages ,which isn't esoteric to act on nor cumbersome to share in books ,blogs and offline when we are carousing with friends or in clubs with colleagues and their objective flexible or yielded guests.This way we would be fruitfully disseminating a selfless professional or accessible priestly lifestyle that portray godliness and the Supernatural in the Highest God we call or worship in as many exalted names as UNESCO researchers has traced two women alive few decades back speaking only one language! Yet you all know the seven billion plus population of the world speak myriads of languages and dialects in millions and China ,India & Africa alone speak in many tongues that evolve differently. Colonial experience enabled the Uk, France,Italy ,Portugal, Belgium to speak and use their languages predominantly English,French , Spanish, Latin ,Portuguese to be massive spoken and adopted as lingua franca and in UN & other professional meetings germane to neocolonialism,trade and tariffs and a few development agency which have not had an impressive impact for a truly friendly former master relationship.
What is your take?
I have read a few Journals and books that amplified this candid fact.
Evidently there's no mass media choice that s inherently bad or automatically good.It also depends on the attitude of significant cues like parents or guardians & learning mindset we bring into any of them.
But surprisingly on the other side of the coin this same man despite his profession as a teacher of teachers, priest of any of the thousand revealed religions with one liturgy or hymn book full of high poetry or the relatively new religions also co existing with diverse other science & tech guys who aren't religious.
Tell me which species of men can remain workaholic without budget time for entertainment yet one thing impossible for these myriads of human intelligence and service pool is there s a vacuum called peace whereas this life could have been hilarious & egalitarian had it been they let go a lot of harmless differences that could have made our epoch peaceful glorious and more vitally prodigious without any naive limitations of our survival by big data forecast book or web master!.Even coveting invalid illusions might be dangerous in the short or long run and maybe your contact is reading a bad book.
WHY not write your own snippet as a lifetime, life wire or lifestyle for being part of this generation of humans who are paradoxically likable and tomorrow hateful?
Remember the Nigerian homeless 8 year old boy who won the chess trophy & the parents decided they will turn the $200k already donated by meaningful well wishers to the homeless.What of the 12 year old Greta from Sweden campaigning ,alerting legislators about Climate Change very recently & amply tweeted enough?
Shall we be happy if we candidly reflect on news online how much of the 7bn of human population has been reduced partly by natural disasters and majorly by man to man bombing ,maiming & all forms of destructive violent modern gadgets s(he) has invented. As for me I will like to indulge in good books & navigate allied semblance of or variants of books not bad destructive violent- laden books that will inspire me to do evil to a fellow spouse or a distant fellow just for a trivial like the boy that pushed,injured his younger colleagues off a tall mall and another teenage that pushed her teenage acquaintance off a bridge into a deep body of water all in this very recent two years running .
Majorly by His Grace and by our own choice of books we read for fun or
fundamental adherence which have no bearing in our present or next life after the mandatory market span on earth must have expired- we need to be watchful the books our kids and grownups read and share for the good of all.
As we think or celebrate a Book Day let's acknowledge that not all books are disseminating positive contents or peaceful values.There are others with incredible negativity.
Gbemi Tijani MST,@Bymst2Bymst
Paul Harris Fellow
Former UNESCO Youth Club Leader& Founder in Nigeria in the late 70s.
* I don't mind a book Grant.
* I don't mind collaboration
* I don’t mind inviting you to Freedom Project Franchise Platform
*All for the good of all humanity
& To The Glory of Our Maker.
- Dedication:
- For Unesco Club,A.U.D. Grammar School, Saga-Abeokuta. founded 12 Jan 1978
- For Linkedin Message Portal that perspired this as a commemorative writing
- Mr GBEMISOYE LASISI AYINDE, my primary school teacher of blessed memory whose
- 1st award to me In My 1ST Year of Modern School was a book entitled ,’Things Worth Knowing’
- TO MY LATE but unforgettable high school senior, brother PADDY ABEL IDOWU alias ‘Abulu Chanco’ ,banker/computer specialist ,although very mathematical in school he was one of my earliest literary boosters who inspired and prompted many concert readings of African novels ,Shakespeare plays such as Macbeth & Wole Soyinka s The Trials of Brother Jero during our long vacation at Ilero when we were not,proving theorems,solving equations or playing ping pong or not engaged on the farms-often with or without ‘Depo City’ (Dimeji Oladepo) now Professor of Public Health @ College of Medicine Faculty of Health Education/Communication of the University of Ibadan, Ibadan
- He was the first that prompted me to apply for the Western State of Nigeria Scholarship, which I did and was awarded scholarship.
- He was also the 1st that hinted me that a good excess cash will be due to me and our honest Principal ,P.A. AKINYEMI ,An alumnus of London School of Economics also confirmed this to me and gave the cash which enabled me to start exploring admission to the Sixth Form schools outside the State, outside the West and I reached the East.I also found the trip exciting reaching Chinua Achebe s high school Government College Umuahia which has been renamed after the Civil War as Fisher High School.Umuahia. I quickly made friends and slept with them in the hostel.I did that for the same purpose at DMGS ONITSHA possibly renamed as CKC.It was an era of relative security and suspecting anybody then for evil deeds was most unlikely. There was comradery especially if you re not the introvert type. Ditto in the universities of the 80s ..Watch out for more in the books
- I m grateful for the primary efficient android phone used for initial draft of this impromptu piece.It was a July gift from Wale Adelakun,an ICT professional with chains of certifications practicing in the USA. Being primarily a sociology grad 3 decades ago he s much aware of political dynamics back home in Nigeria.
regionaldirector south west at healthy living communications
2 年[email protected] Thanks for your understanding Gbemi Tijani Paul Harris Fellow Convener : Civicconcern planet Forum Wrappers Agenda Miscellany former Unesco Club founder leader #GTJMST 1st Feb 2023 #
regionaldirector south west at healthy living communications
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