Books and Songs for Back to School Time: Volume 1
Paige Bacon, M.Ed.
"Leading and living creatively each day." Artist Educator Extraordinare, small business owner.
Hi Everyone,
What are your favorite Back to School books for the classroom?
There are just so many fun texts and classics that it can be hard to choose.
Today, I want to suggest you check out two books either online or through your local library.
The first is I Ain't Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont and illustrated by the wonderful David Catrow. This book has been such a joy in my classroom since it came out. It has sparked conversations about how we should use paint and how each person can be creative. In the last few years, I have seen even a video of a song read-aloud version on YouTube. Here is the link to that from the Miami Children's Museum: It will make you laugh.
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes is another book that has been a blessing in my room as we all learn each other's names. Sometimes kids can be mean and make fun of names so this book is a great way to open the conversation to being kind and celebrating our name. I have used this book in all my online classes up through 5th grade as kids make name posters and designs at the start of the year.
Both texts can be used at the elementary or even the middle school level and I hope you take some time to visit your local children's library and talk with the librarian. They are a great resource and are happy to help find great books to use in your classroom or even in your home.