Books read in the first half of 2024
Daniel Moczydlower,MSc,PMP
President & CEO, Embraer-X, Head of Global Innovation Ecosystems
1.?????? The coming wave - Technology, Power and the 21st centurys greatest dilemma? Mustafa Suleyman
2.?????? The Culture Code ???????????Clotaire Rapaille
3.?????? 5 segundos - o jeito Stone de servir o cliente?????? Augusto Lins; Marcela Bourroul
4.?????? The Future Normal - how we will live, work and thrive in the next decade? Rohit Bhargava; Henry Coutinho-Mason
5.?????? Secrets of Sand Hill Road - Venture Capital and how to get it??????? Scott Kupor
6.?????? The worlds I see - curiosity, exploration and discovery at the dawn of AI???????Dr. Fei Fei Li
7.?????? What is ChatGPT doing... And why does it work ??????????????? Stephen Wolfram
I help people and organizations master their learning & work. Learning & Development @ Equinor, enabling critical and core competencies to shape the energy industry.
2 个月Daniel Moczydlower,MSc,PMP as I Mentioned today, I look forward to see your list. Always inspirational! The one about AI I strongly recommend is the “Co-intelligence” from Ethan Mollick which provides insights about AI, how we can deal with it and their role to make us better humans!
China and APAC Aviation expert with over 20 years of experience, in both commercial and private aviation.
2 个月Daniel, sempre aprecio muito suas listas de livros!! BTW, foi um prazer poder encontrar com você no estacionamento, mesmo sendo “impromptu”! Até a próxima!! Abra??o! Fernando.
Detailer Automotive,Airbus Embraer Mechanic
2 个月5 Segundos
Cyber Security PhD Student & BT Professional | Empathetic and Strategic | BA Hons & MA | Blogger(ish) |
2 个月Love the reading list! I'll have to get hold of Dr Li's book ??
Professor and Researcher at UFRJ, D.Sc | UFRJ's Innovation Committee member | Innovation ecosystem | Innovability | University-Corporate-Startup Engagement
2 个月Thanks for sharing. Great list and suggestions Daniel Moczydlower,MSc,PMP. Do you have any recommendation that discusses deeptechs and main challenges in the new product development process?