The Books I Read in 2021!

The Books I Read in 2021!

The year that was, allowed me the opportunity, to read several wonderful new books; presented below!

1) Lights Out: Pride, Delusion and the Fall of General Electric?:

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The Book, details the meteoric rise, and then slow decline of General Electric, from the infallible behemoth that it was in the 90s. It offers insights into the management strategies of GE's leadership 0from Welch, to Immelt and how changing economic landscape waylay the best plans. I am tempted to draw parallels between leading Indian conglomerates and GE's story; but I will let you read this one and draw that conjecture yourself!

2) Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race

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Is there a better biographer than Isaacson? In his latest, he chronicles the life and path breaking work of Jennifer Doudna (and others) who worked upon the CRISPR technology, which has put humanity on the verge of changing our DNA structure, and possibly creating a future race of superhumans. Admittedly, Isascson gets carried away in whitewashing Doudna’s image; but this is a eye-opening book, especially in light of the current Covid crisis

3) How to win friends and influence people & 7 habits of Highly Effective People.

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Truth be told, I am not a been a fan of “self-help” books, seeing a lot of people getting addicted to the genre; the year that was drained me, and I felt very much the need to seek guidance from the masters in becoming a better version of myself. Needless to say, these are books that have stood the test of time and continue to be priceless resources.

4) A Shot at History: My Obsessive Journey To Olympic Gold and Beyond

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It was an Olympic year, and what better time to read about the life of India’s first individual gold medallist, Mr. Abhinav Bindra. Mr. Bindra, is characteristically stoic, deprecating in retelling his story of Olympic Gold and his struggle with mental health. In times, where people scream from rooftops about trifles, his reserved raconteur is moving and refreshing.

5) The Dirtiest Race in History:

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I remember on my grandma’s old Telly, watching the epic 1988 men’s 100 meter finals, to be startled ( like the rest of the world) about Ben Johnson’s?win, only to be shocked few days later. Of all the books I read this year, this was the most startling in the amount of historical, political context that it offers leading upto the infamous race. The trivia about Lewis, Johnson and even their coaches is truly amazing (for instance, did you know that Lewis nurtured Hollywood ambitions). Read if you would like to dive into nostalgia about sporting heroes of the years past, and to remember that not all icons get a glory ride into the sunset.?

6) Will

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This was a book, that I look forward to the most, as teen growing up in a distant land; I was in awe of Will Smith’s “Fresh Prince” persona, to the point of mimicking him. Smith’s autobiography is in parts cathartic (his abusive father), a glory ride (his successful career) and a marriage/parenting guide. I urge you to “hear” this in the audiobook format, which is read by Smith himself. Featuring Smith freestyle rapping, playing the piano, mimicking Ali and Mandela; becoming the best audiobook, I have ever, listened to!!? ( I know you're reading this in Smith's voice now!!)

7) Invention: A Life.

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Always been a fan of Mr. Dyson, and his aesthetic genius. His autobiography, in stark contrast to Smith’s is subdued, filled with re-telling of his childhood, multiple failures before his current success. If you’re interested for a glimpse in his genius, or even as a guide for letting creativity flourish; you should be reading this book.

8) As Many Reps As Possible!

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Jason, is a sporting legend in the world of Cross-Fit. He has endured some extreme highs and lows in life; being a Cross-Fit games champ and the parent of a cancer-affected child. This is a light yet highly motivating read, sneak in a few pages just before your next gym session!!

And that’s the list folks!! Do let me have your reads, have a well-read year ahead!!

Vikram Koppikar

(All copyright in images, vests in their individual owners.)


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