Books I read in 2021
Abhijeet Vijayakar
VP of Engineering at Rocket Lawyer | B2B and B2C SaaS | Building high performance engineering teams for startups to $B public companies
I discuss below some of the books I read in 2021. I found all of these books worth reading — they taught me many new things, and gave me many ideas worth thinking about.
A brief summary of each book is below. Omissions and mistakes are entirely mine — these summaries are not necessarily exhaustive, but my attempt to distill the essential points of each book into a few bullet points.
High Output Management
This is a management classic that I had heard a lot about. I found the book very practical and “nuts and bolts” oriented. Some sections feel a bit outdated (which is to be expected for a tech industry industry book originally written 40 years ago, though the edition I read was updated in the mid-1990s), but the vast majority of it is surprisingly relevant and fresh.
The output of a manager is the output of all organizations within their direct and indirect control. Managers should try to work on the highest leverage activities they can, and have quantitative output indicators (approximately 6) for all functions/teams. Managers should review these output indicators regularly e.g. during staff meetings.
Dual reporting is an organizational approach in which people report to both a functional (horizontal) manager and a mission oriented (vertical) manager; all large organizations tend toward this hybrid model. The book gives examples of specialists working on specific products or projects (vertical reporting), and as horizontal subject matter experts helping build up skills across the company in their area of expertise.
Companies usually have three modes of control: free market forces (for areas with low ambiguity and high self interest); contractual obligations (low ambiguity, high group interest); cultural values (high ambiguity, high group interest).
Managers have two ways to increase the output of their team: training and motivation. The appropriate management style depends on the task relevant maturity of the person on your team.
Working Backwards: Insights, Stories and Secrets from inside Amazon
I liked the practical tone of this book. It has a lot of good detail on various aspects of how Amazon does things, primarily hiring and execution, focusing especially on the latter.
There are some indications of the somewhat ruthless style of management that Amazon is now known for — for example, weekly business reviews with detailed metrics that business leads are expected to create and distribute ahead of time! — but overall this book has a lot of good ideas, and provides an interesting glimpse into how things are done at one of the most successful companies in the world.
Amazon has 14 “leadership principles”: customer obsession, ownership, invent and simplify, [leaders] are right a lot, learn and be curious, hire and develop the best, insist on the highest standards, think big, bias for action, frugality, earn trust, dive deep, disagree and commit, deliver results.
Single-threaded leadership:
Six-pagers and PR/FAQs
Define controllable input metrics to focus on; build in appropriate measurements of those metrics; understand what drives the metrics; drive improvements to those metrics and monitor them carefully. Output metrics are those on which you do not have direct control (e.g. revenue or stock price).
Amazon uses weekly business reviews to monitor the input metrics for a business.
Products like Amazon Kindle, Amazon Prime, Prime Video and AWS used techniques like six-pagers, PR/FAQs, controllable input metrics, and weekly business reviews to become successful.
The authors’ suggestions for applying Amazonian principles in other companies:
Headspace Guide to Meditation
This book probably made the most significant personal difference to me. Over the last few years I’ve become more familiar with meditation and interested in incorporating it more into my life. I had tried listening to an audiobook version of this book a few years ago, but found it too hard to focus on it while driving. I found the book much more accessible; the anecdotes throughout the book make it an easy read, and I found many useful tips about how to be more effective at meditation.
I read this book twice: both because it meanders somewhat, so that I thought it would be worth refreshing my memory on the earlier material once I got to the end of it; and also because there were many concepts I had put into practice as I was reading the book that I wanted to read about again, in case I was misapplying them. The author is disarmingly honest about his own struggles with a peaceful mind, something that I related to, and a lot of the book resonated with me. I found its mix of anecdotes and instruction to be very readable, but something that needed focused attention to extract the key messages.
Since reading this book, I’ve tried to apply it to my attempts at both waking and sleep meditation, with some good results. The book is fairly concise, and is worth reading for anyone curious about meditation and mindfulness but unsure how to apply them in their day to day life.
Different metaphors for meditation:
Approach meditation with a “gentle curiosity” for your thoughts and feelings; try to understand what you are feeling; scan your body to see how you feel in different areas.
Take10 is a simple meditation technique:
Mindfulness is a type of meditation. You can integrate mindfulness into other activities in your life: walking, standing, eating or even brushing your teeth. Mindfulness is being deeply aware of what you are doing; you can do it anytime during the day rather than just during a sit-down meditation session.
Sleep meditation can be done lying in bed on your back, and can help you fall asleep:
Tips on meditation: make sure you also get physical exercise; find a spot where you can be undisturbed; wear loose, comfortable clothing; sit on the floor; do it first thing in the morning if you can.