Books: the Arrows that Stay
Photo: @djmon1que via Twenty20

Books: the Arrows that Stay

When I switched on social media this morning and checked my messages, I must have seen 20 ads. Someone got paid to expose me to that advertising. When those ads were displayed on my screen, the impressions counted towards someone's KPIs for that month. I didn't read them. I didn't pay any attention to them at all. Some of them annoyed me. I honestly can't remember a single one of them. Their analytics won't reflect that.

Those insubstantial messages are all there for a moment and then gone. Like all such advertising, they're arrows shot in the dark. Most of the arrows hit nothing at all.

Books are different. I've read the biography of Steve Jobs. I feel like I know the man personally. It changed the way I see Apple products forever. At the other end of the scale, I've read the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. He died 500 years ago, but I feel like I know him too.

Books last for always, and they make an impression on every person they come in contact with. If you're putting out your own book, you're not just representing yourself and your business. You're buying immortality.


