The Books with Alien authors!

The Books with Alien authors!

‘The Autobiography of Malcom X’ and ‘Buried Thoughts’. The title of two books that I read recently. I have never thought of writing a review for any book. But I couldn’t resist myself writing something about these two.

There is something common for these books. You could feel a wave of mixed emotions in your brain. But what charm does the writers Malcolm X and Joseph Annamkutty Jose used in this book?

I read ‘Buried Thoughts’ first, though I was really taken aback by his writing methodology, I couldn’t really figure out what extra charm it had over other memoirs that I had read before. Only after reading the second book, I could really connect the dot.

The secret ingredient the authors withered over their work is that both of them were sinfully honest.

Malcolm X is an extremely popular figure in American continents for his fights for the Afro American people. Though he is a man with millions of followers, he doesn’t feel shy to admit his past. Malcolm X writes, ‘I lived my early life as a burglar and a peddler and had been in prison for thievery’. A very similar attitude is visible from the work of Joseph Annamkutty Jose.

In a world where competence matters, where we try to please others and live by copying others, men like these may look alien. We admire them because, for the common man they did something different, something that we are not taught often. They tried to be themselves – Proud and Honest.

I will end this with an excerpt from ‘Buried Thoughts’ by Joseph K Jose.

 “You might find it a silly question, but tell us who you like more. Dad or mom?” The interviewer asked. Then he said, “And also give us a convincing justification”.

What will be your answer in this case. The sinfully honest ones can share your idea as comment.

If your are curious to know what the author answered, here it is - "I like both of them because they jointly gave birth to my brother Arun!!"


