Book of the Week 6: Using Semiotics in Retail, by Rachel Lawes
Melina Palmer
The Brainy Business CEO + podcast host. 3x Author. Consultant. Keynote + TEDx speaker. Inc columnist. Teaching Applied Behavioral Economics via Texas A&M Human Behavior Lab.
When The DaVinci Code came out, I became hooked on the idea of signs and their deeper meanings. I have read every Dan Brown book and was also a big fan of movies like National Treasure...semiotics is totally my jam.
While I didn't think about it much before my conversation with Rachel Lawes around her new book, Using Semiotics in Retail, this also makes perfect sense with my interest in brain associations and behavioral economics. If you've been following me and the show for a while, you have heard me say "everything matters" at least once, I'm sure.
Rachel has a similar phrase, which is so true and really stood out to me during our conversation and in her book, "Where there is choice, there is meaning."
Behavioral economics is all about choice and how it is presented, so there is such a clear crossover between BE and semiotics. Our brains are constantly making associations and they prime our experiences. Rachel gives an amazing example in the book (and our conversation on the podcast this coming Friday!) about a store that was selling jam -- well actually...they weren't selling any jam, and that was the problem.
That's why they called Rachel to come in and have a look around.
The first question she asks to apply lessons from semiotics into business is "Where have I seen or heard this before?" This is important when you want to know the vibe your business is giving off. What the jam retailer didn't realize is, their store unintentionally "reeked of death" to use Rachel's phrasing - ha! What was intended to be classy (staff in all black, marble floors, jam jars shaped featured on shelves) ended up being a perfect columbarium/crypt/funeral parlor...not a place people want to go into for some delicious preserve.
Once it was pointed out, this became painfully obvious (and the client was able to redesign and bring some life back into their store). Understanding the signs and symbols and what they mean to our brains is so important for brands -- and Rachel's newest book is here to help you see what your brand is saying and if it is a fit for your goals.
What do you think about semiotics? Have you had interest in this before? Any stories about a brand that really missed the mark?
P.S. check out my working notes for this week's episode (191) to get a sneak peek before it is released on Friday, February 11.
Thank you so much for having me on the show, Melina! Both you and it are an absolute treat. Books: (use code SEMIOTICS2 to buy one, get one half price). Also available worldwide from Amazon and all good bookstores.