About the book Together Behind Four Walls
Francis H Powell
author and teacher at various universities. Writer, two books published.
On a cold grey March morning, I was with my son, in the play park where he regularly plays, when all of a sudden some council workers began cordoning off the play park. He was not able to go to school, due to a sudden outbreak of covid 19 cases in the local area. The closing off of the play area really brought home the fact that something significant was beginning to impact our lives and the normal life we were used to was about to change dramatically. Consequently, I began to put words to my feelings at the time and all of a sudden the idea of putting a book together, came to me. I began rifling through my contacts and friends who were writers. Later I began to search further afield, sending e mails to people explaining my project.
I knew I wanted to put a book together for those who would be caring for people, doing valuable work, such as nurses and by way of my sister I, decided Marie Curie Nurses were a good cause, who should benefit from this fund-raising project. I am grateful to all those who responded to my call for poems, short stories and illustrations, as well as people who have helped to publicize this project. I am incredibly fortunate some fantastic writers and poets, who at the onset I could never imagine would 10 11 submit poems, kindly sent me some pertinent works. I like the range of writers and poets who have contributed to this book, from a ninety-one year old writer, poet Lynne Reid Banks, who is obviously still passionate about writing to young children.?
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The book will be available to buy the 3rd September