Book summary: The 5AM Club

Book summary: The 5AM Club

Summary: Through an enchanting—and often amusing—story about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor. Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully,?The 5am Club?is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

The 4 Focuses of History-Makers

History-Maker Focus #1: Capitalization IQ

The mogul explained the concept of capitalization developed by eminent psychologist James Flynn.

The valuable insight he conceived is that what makes a legendary performer so good isn’t the amount of natural talent they are born into but the extent of that potential they actualize—and capitalize.

High-impact performers and genuine world-builders aren’t very available to whoever seeks their attention and demands their time. They’re hard to reach, waste few moments and are far more focused on doing real work versus artificial work—so they deliver the breathtaking results that advance our world.

History-Maker Focus #2: Freedom from Distraction

So many potentially outstanding people are suffering from ‘broken focus syndrome’ because they’ve filled their professional and personal lives with so many gadgets, interruptions and cybernoise.

Simplify. Streamline everything. Become a purist.

Concentrate on just a few work projects so you make them amazing versus diluting your attention on too many. And socially, have fewer friends but go deep with them so the relationship is rich. Accept fewer invitations, major in fewer leisure activities and study, then master, a smaller number of books versus skimming many. An intense concentration only on what matters most is how the pros realize victory.

“Stop managing your time and start managing your focus,” added the billionaire. “Now there’s a principle for greatness in this overstimulated society we live in.”

We absolutely must venture into those unexplored places where possibility lives to become more intimate with our primal genius and to become all we are meant to be.

Knowing we have higher reaches of talent and courage left to visit floods a human heart with immense excitement. This knowledge is one of the vast treasures that make life worth living.

5 AM is the time of least distraction, highest human glory and greatest peace. So leverage The Victory Hour well. You’ll make quantum leaps in your productivity as well as in your personal mastery.

The 1 General Theory of Self-Discipline Spartans

“The first insight I’ll offer you here is that your brain is constructed for expansion.

Do not talk about giftedness, inborn talents! One can name great men of all kinds who were very little gifted. The Latin root of the word ‘passion’ means to ‘suffer.’ These women and men suffered for their visions, ideals and aspirations. They suffered for the increase of their skill and sacrificed for the realization of their prowess.

“Look,” said the billionaire. “It’s such a myth that celebrated athletes and legendary artists and revered statesmen and stateswomen had more natural willpower than the rest of us. That’s just a big lie. What’s real,” he declared, “is that these exceptionalists began as ordinary people.

And through relentless practice and constant drilling to wire in excellent daily habits, their power to manage themselves against their cravings and temptations grew stronger until the culture perceived them as superhumans.”

“So, the key is rest and recovery of the self-control muscle,” explained the billionaire. “Never allow it to get too tired. Your willpower really is weakest when you are most tired. Key awareness to build on here.

We make our worst decisions and our lowest choices when we’re exhausted. So, don’t allow yourself to get exhausted.

The 5 AM Club Grasps the Essentialness of Sleep

“What makes genius-level performance is a delicate balance between the mastery of your morning routine and the optimization of your nightly ritual.

“Well, when you sleep—and the key here is not only the quantity of sleep but the quality of your sleep states. It’s also been discovered that the lymphatic system, which was previously believed to be only in your body, is in your skull, too. All this means that we, as human beings, have evolutionarily architected a powerful process to essentially wash the brain so it stays in optimum condition. And this

And here’s the real key: to maximize the process of the brain being washed properly and HGH being produced excellently so you expand your creativity, productivity, vitality and longevity, you need five complete ninety-minute sleep cycles. That’s what the scientific studies are now confirming. That’s seven and a half hours of sleep each night. You also should know that research proves that it’s not only sleep-deprivation that kills. Over-sleep, nine or more hours, also has been shown to shorten life.”

The Tight Bubble of Total Focus (TBTF)

The Insight: An addiction to distraction is the death of your creative production. Your attraction to digital interruption is costing you your fortune—financially, cognitively, energetically, physically and spiritually. The Tight Bubble of Total Focus is a metaphorical moat that you build around your assets of genius, so they not only stay strong—they increase.

The five primary assets that all superproducers defend are mental focus, physical energy, personal willpower, original talent and daily time.

Your bubble has a porous membrane that encircles it so that you decide what information, which people and the nature of the activities that enter your orbit. Anything negative, toxic and impure gets blocked at the gate.

The 90/90/1 Rule

The Insight: Doing real work versus artificial work, daily and with absolute consistency, will give you a Gargantuan Competitive Advantage born of mastery.

Legendary achievers concentrate all their attention and effort on one core project at a time so they harness the fullness of their cognitive capacity and their precious energy on releasing glorious products that turn their industry on their head.

To work like this, you need to install the daily habit of exploiting your best professional hours to offer your finest productive results.

The 60/10 Method

The Insight: Research supports that the greatest performers don’t work in a linear way—working harder and longer with the hope of arriving at stronger and better results. Instead, the way elite creatives do what they do is by understanding the power of oscillation.

They structure their work cycles so that they alternate bursts of deep focus and ferocious intensity of performance with periods of real rest and full recovery. In other words, they work in a balance—and cycle awesome output with times to refuel their assets of genius so they don’t deplete them.

The 2 Massage Protocol (2MP)

The Insight: Studies have demonstrated that massage therapy is a modality that generates significant improvements in brain performance, mood, your ability to fight stress, and in terms of your general wellness. The key here is to have a deep-tissue massage versus simple relaxation bodywork. It needs to hurt a little for it to work well.

The Dream Team Technique

The Insight: Professional athletes structure a full team to support their rise to Best in World (BIW). In this way, they are freed up to marshal their five assets of genius around the development of the expertise and powers that will cause them to become dominant at their sport. Michael Jordan wasn’t his own sports doctor and Muhammad Ali wasn’t his own boxing trainer.

Superproducers outsource and then automate all activities except those within the realm of their mastery, allowing for purity of focus and freeing up huge amounts of time.

To Create Magic in the World, Own the Magic within Yourself.

Look in the mirror. Your relationship with you predicts your relationship with the world. Remember that you have a primitive longing for silence and solitude—and that it is in quietude that self-awareness rises. French mathematician Blaise Pascal wrote: “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

Release your need for complexity and immerse yourself in the stillness only the early morning can provide so you get to know yourself again. Because a flight from solitude really is an escape from freedom.

You’ll also begin to differentiate between your beliefs that are merely cultural constraints and those that are actual truths. And between the trustworthy voice of your intuition and the persuasive pronouncements of your fears. In solitude, you’ll also receive the disruptive insights that will transform your field.

Proper Use of Your Primal Power Creates Your Personal Utopia.

Yes, be wildly thankful for all you have. Yet, also consider that such individuals have dead-ended themselves through absolute neglect and outright abandonment of their inherent power. And as a result, all sense of personal freedom and any hope of sovereignty over their lavish talents have been savaged.

To enter the magic of your life, you must become aware of the four creative tools that turn each of your desires into your visible results.

These four resources that will allow you to materialize miracles in the world are your thoughts, your feelings, your words and your deeds.

Exercise your mind to think only thoughts that serve your ascent to mastery and happiness. Sit regularly in feelings of gratitude, positive expectancy and love for all that you have in your life. Speak only the words of upliftment, abundance and encouragement as you saw me doing when I was upside down.

Avoid Bad People.

By the phenomenon known as “emotional contagion” as well as through the activation of the mirror neurons in our brains, we model the behavior of the people we spend our days with.

Fill your life with exceptionally excellent, enterprising, healthy, positive, ethical and sincerely loving people. And over time, you’ll exemplify these lofty traits.

The real key is to avoid trouble creators. People who have grown up in an environment riddled with drama and non-stop problems will consciously and subconsciously re-create drama and nonstop problems because, as amazing as it seems, such conditions feel familiar, safe and like home to them.

Stay away from all drama queens and negativity kings. If you don’t, sooner or later, they’ll dissolve your bigness and destroy your life. It’s just what they do.

Relate peacefully, as much as possible, with everyone. Even one enemy is an enemy too many. Pass through life gracefully, taking the high road when conflict shows up. Should someone do you wrong, let karma do the dirty work. And let a world-class life be your revenge.

Optimal Health Maximizes Your Power to Produce Magic.

Exercising first thing in the morning gets the primary win of taking care of your health out of the way. This all-important activity is now done, leaving your cognition, energy, physiology and spirit primed to create wonders within your day.

Peak health really is true wealth. Those who lose their good health spend the rest of their lives trying to recover it. Uncommon vitality is also a marvelous method to grow your prosperity.

When you get into the finest fitness of your life, calibrate your nutrition to mastery-level, dial-in your sleep routine and minimize aging, you’ll notice vast increases in your ability to build intimacy with your sovereign self. So, you bring on more of your genius, glory and compassion into our world. This, in turn, will bring you great financial fortune.

Much more importantly, you will be placed in a position of being able to make a bigger contribution. And nothing is as glamorous as helpfulness.

Deep Love Yields Unconquerable Joy.

Any chance you get, show people love. Tell people how proud you are of them and how much you love them while you—and they—are still alive.

Not one of us knows when we’ll face our end. So, why hold back that which is most valuable: your human capacity to love deeply?

Part of your job as a fully alive human is to make people feel better about themselves. And to make others smile.

It may shock you how little it takes to make someone happy. Write old-school love letters to everyone you care about, thank-you notes to those who have helped you and messages of consideration for anyone you think needs some appreciation.

Express how you really feel without being limited by the devilish fear of rejection. And always be more interested in other people than being concerned with coming off as an interesting person. Every human being you meet has a lesson to teach, a story to tell and some dream in their heart that longs for your support.

Tomorrow Is a Bonus, Not a Right.

Don’t put off expressing your gifts and talents. And make certain you enjoy this ride. Have a good time as you rise toward your magnificence.

It’s so sad how most people postpone having a beautiful, fun and magical life until they are too old to fully savor it.

And so, keep the shortness of life at the forefront of your focus. Don’t put off your happiness until you have more time, or you get the promotion, or you have more money in the bank. These are excuses, born of feelings that you are undeserving. Sense them and then extract them from your orbit so that you can keep ascending into your loftiest realms.

Tomorrow is a promise, not a fact. Enjoy every morning and appreciate each day you have on Earth. Take bold risks yet hedge them with common sense. Balance living like there is no tomorrow with behaving like you’ll live forever.

So that when the end does come, you’ll know you lived your life as a majestic testimony to the capacity for legendary that every human being carries inside of them.


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