Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within
[Beware: this is a long one - with some inappropriate words - The intention is not to offend. you or shock you but to convey some of the GOGGINS' mindset.
This LONG summary may be hard to read but for the initiated one, this one has juices!!!]
The bootcamp for your brain, the “what the fuck you are doing in your life” book: Goggins speaks here about becoming uncommon against the uncommon, set against a social landscape where mediocrity is the standard.?
My wife & I have been passionate, since the day that we stepped into the career coach role, about murdering mediocrity - which is why I chose this book as the second in my weekly summary series this year, streamlining some great learnings for you to absorb with me, including advice on pulling yourself out of the comfort of your self-victimising narratives, being more afraid of not living the life you want to live than of disappointing people, and being purposeful about those you surround yourself with - not just choosing someone because you chose them once.
“I’m still haunted, but….by my future goals, not my past failures. I’m haunted by what I may still become. I’m haunted by my own continued thirst for evolution.”
- This is not a self-improvement book. Improvement is not enough: you have to reset. Hope is necessary, and the fluffy, “do it” kind of motivation is cute, but unsustainable.?
- For a drive to really matter, it has to be hard-wired inside you.
- Belief born in resilience is a powerful kind; born out of fatigue, born despite the temptation to give up & choose the easy path.
- Belief is what turns normal into extraordinary: you reach a point when you know you will always win. No one can give you this certainty. It must bubble up from within.
- When lost at sea, either you will give up or you will prevail. There is no middle path!
- You have learned that your accomplishments equate to your potential. But your potential has to be refined, crafted carefully by extreme stretch: to go as hard as I could, as long as I could! Legends are the ones still seeking new territory, still finding how high they can rise.
- A lot of people feel like they’re missing something. And so they fill their life up with stuff: material things, work, other people… but that feeling only comes back stronger. Feelings of achievement fade away & that gnawing feeling that they could do better comes back! Unfortunately most people don’t care. They want a quick refresher, a little push; they want to call that success. They’re not willing to keep up what matters: unwavering discipline & belief. The work that matters most is when no one is watching.
1 - Maximise Minimal Potential
- We are all born different. We have to make do with what we got. But the realisation of what is broken inside us is a critical thing. Thinking that hoping & wishing is enough is delusional. You have to work on it everyday.
- You can live in the fantasy that your life is the result of your past, or you can take ownership!
- Evolution number 1: obsession with your goals is the thing that will get you ahead. There are bad things happening all the time, but you have to get unstuck. We give our power to people that have done us wrong by making our happiness based on their saying sorry! You are not a victim.
2 - Merry Fucking Christmas
- You cannot avoid your pain. Doing so is what builds trauma. You have to feel the pain in order to really let it go. Denial is self-protecting, self-limiting.
- Most stories are littered with potholes and red lights! When have I ever been a perfect fit for anything at all? Never! But I still managed to find success.
- At 24, I would have sold my story for a penny, now I will not sell it for anything!
- David shares his story of his heart condition: one moment he was excited about his first book “You Can’t Stop Me” being on the New York Bestseller list and literally the next he faced the prospect of actual death! It taught him that he can’t take anything for granted. The shit you get in life is not permanent. Good stuff makes you feel good for a moment but then it stops mattering. There’s always a curve ball coming to smack you in the face!
- Evolution Number 2: don’t ever waste anything! Fear, hate - anything. To write your story, your challenges, to speak it out, record it, listen to it - first it will become real, and then it will become ordinary. And then you can get much more power out of it.
- I want you to try something for a week. Every time shitty thoughts come up, just pick up your phone and record an audio message pouring out how you feel. Listen to it everyday - it will help you see a special truth in your life. Once you have done that, record, everyday, a second type of audio, motivating someone with the same issue as you, pretending that you’re speaking to a friend explaining why things are going to be awesome.
- Notice how easy it is to give up. When you don’t really want to do something, your mind will notice all the difficulties first! And then another logical part of you will say, there are some positive things here too, and most people will call this a “pros & cons analysis.” Convenient excuses! This is what an average mind does. The reasons to say no to something that will need our absolute dedication & promises no guarantee of success will bubble up one at a time until we give up before we even begin!
- Sometimes the best decisions of your life, the ones that will set your trajectory for weeks, months and years to come, sneak up on you.
- What you say to yourself, you become. You set up a person inside you. That person is a savage, capable of things that normal people can’t do. When needed, get that person out.
- Evolution no 3: We conjure our biggest dreams when we’re safe & warm. Those grand plans come in the moment of comfort, and there’s little space for big picture thinking when you’re caught up in the heat of suffering! So when you emerge from the fighting, you’re bound to feel overwhelmed, and that’s when you can feel like an imposter. In a blink, you can go from being focused to “damn, it’s impossible for me.”
It’s not easy to not give in to all that discomfort. “Anything but this,” you plead.
A part of your soul speaks back, “won’t you regret it?”
“I may, but THIS is the worst thing ever!”
“The regret will be worse,” your soul says.
“How do you know?” you snap. You’re shivering with fear.
“Exactly!” The soul responds. “You don’t know what you don’t know.”
- In any situation, ALL of it won’t be tough. Some seconds will be. Your moment of weakness will be just seconds. Everything will come down to your ability to regain control of your mind in those few seconds.
- Think about it. Why are you here? What is it all adding up to? And remember it will be over some day. You can stay committed - never quit when your pain & insecurities are at the peak.
- Have a morning meeting with yourself - what are my possible stressors & possible challenges, what is my drive today, what is my focus today, do I want to be here doing what I have to do?
- In life, there are plenty of false summits. You’ll reach them and think, I’m sure now it’ll be a smooth path. But at the next climb, your mind goes damn, not again! We have to stop looking for signs that hard times are about to end. Because to see yourself on top of a summit, only to turn a corner and find another climb ahead, that has the potential to break you if you don’t learn to recognise those false summits! The struggle is the journey and meeting goals is just a milestone.
- When you complain & your mind starts groping for the eject button, you’re not bringing your best self to the task, which means you’re actually prolonging the pain.
- Is your entire existence built around avoiding exposure? Is that why you stay so cautious while others charge ahead without effort? Why on earth would you want to stay hidden when you KNOW you have so much to offer?
- Evolution number 4: The walls you built to protect yourself actually keep you in solitary confinement. Controlled anger can convert your fear into your bravery - you are the warden of your life! Knock down the walls. In order to stop repeating your painful history, in order to rebuild yourself, sometimes you have to destroy what you’ve been holding on to.
5 - Disciple of Discipline
- Mental and emotional scars, if not dealt with, can open up at the drop of a penny. And it can happen in ways outside your control, under circumstances that could set you back in regret by years! So you have to deal with them. They may not be visible, but they’re there! Breakdowns in life are terrible, but they lead to transformation.
- When a half-assed job doesn’t bother you, it speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. Until you start feeling a sense of pride and self-respect in the work you do, no matter how small, you will continue to half-ass your life.
- Commit to discipline, and it will change your life. The hard work needed to be in the elite is something most people have never even considered to be possible.
- My sympathy won’t get you anywhere. My pushing you to make yourself let go will!
- People who feel sorry for themselves are obsessed with their own problems & only thinking about themselves. Is there really any difference between a greedy person and someone who feels sorry for themselves?
6 - The Art of Getting Hit in the Mouth
- Too many people swim in the shallow end of the pool. For a long time, they stay in its safety and consider it success. What they don’t realise is that mentally, they will always stay in the shallow end, and justify it to keep away from discomfort, even when they’re ready to go to the deep end - even when they do go to the deep end. The moment things get a little tough on their comfort zone, they will find themselves at the shallow end! Who wants to live like that - except someone who’s so cautious of holding on to dear life that they stop living? This doesn’t mean you have to jump into the deep end immediately - the shallow end is required as a training ground, but one MUST have a way to measure and plan their time in the shallow end.
- The best life lessons don’t appear when you’re successful in your endeavours - they come when everything is falling apart. That’s when your mind has to be strong enough to tap into your GPS to see where you are clearly, before ANY improvement can be made. Most people fall away at this juncture; panicking, blaming others.
- When everything is wrong, when you have been hit in the mouth, that is when you rebound. You can’t wait for motivation to strike. You can’t leave it to chance. If you allow an unrelenting pressure to build, you are liable to snap.
- Cultivating a willingness to succeed is the most important thing to develop in life. Because that is when your setbacks stop mattering, and your self-confidence increases. This drive to succeed is the first thing we lose when things go bad, and after that, giving up seems like the safest option.
- Everyone talks about purpose - what if there is no meaning, no purpose? But for me this is enough: I exist, I am - therefore what I start, I must finish! When life is hard, you have to pick the tone of the warrior.
- When you quit, you will always have the reason for why you couldn’t complete what you started! Whether it’s a huge goal we are working on or something 1/10th the size, we all know what we say to bargain with ourselves to avoid having to do what we said. How do you deal with that? Well, by having a standard of accountability unlike anyone’s you have met!
- Incremental progress is still progress; one step is all that’s required to take the next one.
- Whenever I have been challenged, whenever I have been pushed and looked for more from myself, there has always been more!
- Giving your all can be confusing for mediocre people. They’re just looking for the easy way out - to kick off their shoes, put their feet up and watch some TV! What they don’t understand is that I’m not crazy - I’m just not you.
- Evolution no 6: small-minded people kill big dreams. Your surrounding matter - who is with you matters. Many people invite all old pals to share in their future vision. And they fail wondering what went wrong! For most people the adjustments of who they need is a slow process. Because they don’t even know who they are; they have no clue of what unresolved trauma holds them back, or of their belief systems & what is wrong with them. The only way to change it is to bring intentionality into it - deliberate daily work on discovering yourself, after which the world can deliver you plentiful opportunities.
- Who you are implies a dream of who you want to be. There’s a place you want to get to - there’s a possibility that is possible for you.
- Beware, when you change, some people in your life will resist or be offended by your success. When you evolve, your circle must evolve with you. Loneliness can be draining, but it’s not as painful as staying with those who will always want to see you as the same old person! Doubters must be kept at arms-length. Most people can’t handle the intensity of who you are trying to be.
- The only thing more infectious than a good attitude is a bad one! Unfortunate situations don’t last, but a bad attitude will linger.
- A natural law of the universe is that you will be tested: sometimes you will be dealt a bad hand. Mediocre people avoid this by staying in the comfort of being “satisfied” or not having ambitious goals. You’ll get a ton of advice, in the darkest moments of your life, on what you should do or what you should have done better, from people who have never set an audacious goal in their life. Achievable! Unspectacular! They put a hard cap on their possibilities before they even begin.
- When your whole day gets fucked up, aim to achieve something good at the end because the next day, you’ll get up with that feeling. This small habit makes life so much more positive to live.
- Every hard knock is a lesson for you to be ready for the next hard knock. We’re all stuck in the game of life subjected to the whims and fancies of circumstances often beyond our control, but we never train for it!
- We dedicate our life to external goals, somehow disconnected with who we are on a fundamental level. Each interaction is a possibility of knowing a bit more of yourself, another step towards a better version of you.
- Hard times are going to be there no matter what. Being able to laugh when things go wrong can be a great tool for releasing endorphins and sending a message to the brain that you are not going to quit.
- Sure, give yourself a little time to whine, worry - but when you leave it, leave it behind completely. (That time period cannot be more than a day! People take weeks, months, sometimes years! Once you master it, bring the whining down to an hour.)
- When you set yourself a big goal, a massive, terrifying goal, then you will do things to start moving towards that by putting in smaller goals. For most people, their goals are not inspiring enough!!
- Create a seat on the table - no one is going to give you the formal invitation. Leadership is about you taking matters into your own hands and leading people in the right direction. The very first time you do more than needed, more than what is bare-minimum expected, you step into your leadership zone. And when you do it consistently, you become a leader. All you need in order to get there is sky-high standards.
- In this world of easily available motivational bullshit about how you need to go at your own pace and never judge another person, it’s so easy to fall prey to mediocrity. When you are reaching your limits but someone else easily, smoothly passes you, you start to question yourself - and rightly so. Yes, you are competing against yourself, but if you set a yardstick too low, you will always end up being an under-achiever.
- Sure, you can feel shitty about yourself but when you convert that feeling to fire and keep going, you exceed your own expectations - and that’s where the game changes! Are you just showing up or actually standing apart?
- Standards give people something to focus on; they create accomplishments. But the majority of the time, the standards that people love are a reflection of organisational dynamics and what is externally appreciated. The most important standards are those that are within.
- You will fuck it up. You will fail and damn near give up. But when you keep going, it will have a long-lasting impact on you. You will shine like you didn’t know you could shine. And it won’t be about any one thing that you changed but a series of small, seemingly unrelated changes that will come together to create an exceptionally powerful you.
- You have to have an image of how you want to be, and start chipping away at the edges to create the sculpture. Your motivation is I HAVE to be like that! I AM like that!
- Remember that when you’re like this, playing the game at such high standards, you may not always be fun to be around, because you will make people feel smaller than you. People like to be made to feel important.
8 - Play Until the Whistle
- When everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong - when surrender seems to be the only option - when your entire being is used to a certain way that gets destroyed… you have to believe there is still something else. You have to constantly move forward in a little way.
- The instinct for self preservation can make you so careful. We’re capable of amazing feats when we’re willing to think unreasonably and push past the point where everyone else would beg to stop, procrastinating growth & living way below their potential!
evolution number 8 - most people look at greatness as Rafael Nadal, Roger Fedarar, and the like - and so it always eludes them. The great thing about greatness is that there’s no prerequisite to it! It has more than one face.
9 - Wringing Out the Soul
- There has to be someone willing to be an outlier.
- The road to success is NEVER a straight line. Hitting the walls time and again will harden you up & bring you to your greatness.
- Your greatness isn’t tied to any outcome, it is found in the value of the attempt.
- What belief does for you is take failure out of the equation. Because you go in knowing the process will be arduous and long.
Which of the following quotes from this week’s read speaks to you the most? Ask yourself why - pay attention to what your heart finds meaningful. For example, if you’ve always thrown yourself pity parties & played the victim and have been feeling in that secret heart of yours that it’s time to change, maybe the second one will speak to you. Whichever it is… I hope it gets you fired up and ready to take charge of what you want! I’ll see you back here next week, with book three, which I’m especially excited for - you’ll have to wait to see why!
“Every minute you spend feeling sorry for yourself is another minute not getting better, another morning you miss at the gym, another evening wasted without studying. Another day burned when you didn’t make any progress toward your dreams, ambitions, and deepest desires. The ones you’ve had in your head and heart your entire life.”
“I thought I deserved much better, oblivious to the fact that almost everybody starts at the bottom and, from there, it’s attitude and action that determine the future.”
“You are either getting better, or you’re getting worse. You’re not staying the same.”
“It is a lifelong quest for more knowledge, more courage, more humility, and more belief. Because when you summon the strength and discipline to live like that, the only thing limiting your horizons is you.”
Founder CEO | Helping people live freely, live better and fall back in love with their careers
2 年The key of success is for you to set one big, challenging goal and then to pay any price, overcome any obstacle and persist through any difficulty until you finally achieve it!
Founder CEO | Helping people live freely, live better and fall back in love with their careers
2 年Success is a process... During that journey sometimes there are stones thrown at you, and you convert them into milestones!
Founder CEO | Helping people live freely, live better and fall back in love with their careers
2 年There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened.?