IN THE BOOK : The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, Part 2/4
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Keys to the Creative Process
For the laws of attraction, nothing is impossible and everything is possible.
Whatever you consistently think into, you will attract into your life.
Ask, Believe, Receive
- just 3 simple steps to create what you want.
Step One of the Creative Process it to Ask. To ask, simply get clear in your mind about what you want.
Once you have asked, know that what you want is already yours.
Step two of the Creative Process is Believe. Act, speak and think as if you have already received your desire.
How the Universe will bring your desire to you is not your concern or your job.
When you believe, the Universe must move all things for you to receive.
Step three of the creative process is receive. When you feel good, you are on the frequency of receiving, and the things you want will come to you.
Ask once, believe you have received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good.