Book Sale: Going Crackers in Kuwait!
#BookSale on Amazon #HalfPrice: Going Crackers in Kuwait 99p/99c by @NicholasWalker. The 4th in the best-selling Going Round the Bend series. Hilarious travelogue from the man who is not quite sane. PRT
This is the time when Nick runs away from a mad woman in America and somehow ends up teaching in a posh school in Kuwait. But this is Nick and things never go easily for Nick! He is adopted by a dirt poor Arab family from a persecuted sect and takes up the cause of the Bedoon, he opens an illegal dance club and he terrorises the local barber. His hilarious antics as he gets flung into jail with an expectorating guard, as he dismantles a speed camera and has to flee from the local police, his battles with the authorities and the genuine love shown him by his pupils all have the seeds of fiction in them…but amazingly they are all true. This time his travels take a more serious turn as he gets beaten up by the military and the police attempt to blow up his car but Nick’s sardonic view of everything going on around him can bring humour to any situation and, as ever, his relationships with the opposite sex deliver him into ever more exciting situations…his penchant for getting involved with bizarre women smacks on genius!
Rest of the series:
Going Round the Bend on the QE2
Not Quite Sane in America
Losing my Marbles in LA
Going Mad in the Middle East
Going Barmy in Britain
For a full list of Nicholas Walker’s books click on his 2-for-1 web site: