Book review: About Time Series Databases and a New look at Anomaly detection
This blog is a review of two books. Both are available for free from the MapR site, written by Ted Dunning and Ellen Friedman (published by O Reilly) : About Time Series Databases: New ways to store and access data andA new look at Anomaly Detection
The MapR platform is a key part of the Data Science for the Internet of Things (IoT) course – University of Oxford and I shall be covering these issues in my course
In this post, I discuss the significance of Time series databases from an IoT perspective based on my review of these books. Specifically, we discuss Classification and Anomaly detection which often go together for typical IoT applications. The books are easy to read with analogies like HAL (Space Odyssey ) and I recommend them.
Book review: About Time Series Databases and a New look at Anomaly detection by Ted Dunning and Ellen Friedman