Book Review-01-2020: START WITH WHY - How Great leaders Inspire Everyone to take Action. by Simon Kinek #honestbookreviews #nospoilers
Credit for Pic: Simon's own Youtube Page

Book Review-01-2020: START WITH WHY - How Great leaders Inspire Everyone to take Action. by Simon Kinek #honestbookreviews #nospoilers

Start with WHY

How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to take Action

 By Simon Kinek

In 2016, a senior in one of the organizations I worked with, tried to explain me the Golden Circle on a whiteboard. This came back to me when I was bombarded with videos of Simon explaining stuff on various social media platforms, Ted talks and even on LinkedIn.

Amazing Concept.

This book, will give a great sense to why we make the choices that we make. It has added one more aspect to my decision-making process while aligning myself with any brand or organization in future. The idea of this book would also be a great conversation with any leader.

It provides direction for people who might find themselves in a situation where nothing seems to be going their way, another direction for them to think towards before wrapping up things.

Two things happened while I was going through the book.

Short Thing: I found my WHY

Long Thing: When I was reading about this book, I was reminiscing through my own past, the successes and failures and I could weave a pattern. And I could discover that whenever I worked in corporate, education, sports or anywhere, in coherence with my WHY, I succeeded and as soon as I was alienated from my WHY for better money, brighter prospects, I failed.

Due to these two reasons, I found the “WHY” to finish this book.

If one can find a way to communicate the WHY to a team and inspire people, definitely people would work for reasons beyond money and customers would pay premium. That was what I was wondering till the end of the book. How do I get to know that for Rs 137.59/- (Kindle) that I paid for this book.


Then I discovered that Simon has authored another book, “Find your WHY – A practical Guide for discovering purpose for you and team” for Rs 305.62/- (Kindle)!!!! What a Rascal!!

I can swear by any god, that Apple has paid Simon to place its own WHY in every chapter of this book. If the concept does not inspire you enough, the repetitive Martin Luther King, Apple, Southwest and Walmart examples, will make you leave the book midway when the original message has been delivered. This book was published in 2011. By then, everyone knew about their success and had established their own reasons behind Apple, Southwest and Walmart. More fresh stories will help the cause of this book.

If repetitive anecdotes and examples are removed from this book (215 pages), Simon could still convey the strong message through an essay or a white paper, but then, who reads essays and papers?

The language is pretty simple though and a dictionary wouldn’t be required for this one.

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