Book Review - Rich Dad Poor Dad

Book Review - Rich Dad Poor Dad

It's World Book Day today (02/03/2023) and I must mention this book in pretty much every financial wellbeing session we run, and with good reason.

Having read this book, listened to the audio book, watched the Rich Dad youtube channel, read the book again, listened to the audio book can't help but realize the powerful lessons that can be embedded in your personal and professional life.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is insightful and inspiring.

This book is about how to manage and build wealth, by understanding the differences between the wealthy and the poor, and how to bridge the gap between the two.

The book is filled with practical advice on how to be more financially responsible and how to make wise investments.

Kiyosaki focuses on the importance of setting financial goals and having a plan to reach them (where have we heard that before!).

He emphasizes the importance of having strong financial literacy and learning to think like a wealthy person. The book also provides an inspiring roadmap to financial success, which can be applied to anyone’s life.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a must-read for anyone looking to gain greater financial independence and build a secure future.

For £7.99 on Amazon (Hard Copy) this will be one of the best financial decisions of your life.

Written by fanboy James W Melhuish DipPFS EFA

Senior Financial Adviser & Co Founder of Reconomics


