BOOK REVIEW : "Man’s Search For Meaning”
Ah, "Man’s Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl—a book that’s been making people feel inadequate about their life’s purpose since 1946. If you've ever wanted to read a book that makes your existential crisis feel like it’s happening in a five-star hotel, this is the one for you. Frankl takes the cheery subject of surviving Nazi concentration camps and somehow spins it into a motivational talk on how to find meaning in suffering. It’s like a TED Talk, except instead of a stage, it’s set in the depths of human misery.
Frankl, a psychiatrist, and a man who clearly never heard of taking a mental health day, decided to spend his time in Auschwitz not just surviving but psychoanalyzing his fellow inmates. He concluded that even in the worst circumstances, life can have meaning—though, let’s be honest, most of us struggle to find meaning when our Wi-Fi goes down.
Similarly, there is also no best move to lead a meaningful life but in every situation there is a best answer to the question that life asks of us, a unique question, a unique challenge that will never be the same for any two people.
So if you're in the mood to feel simultaneously inspired and guilty for whining about your day-to-day problems, pick up "Man’s Search for Meaning." Just remember, the next time you’re upset because your coffee order was wrong, at least you’re not in a concentration camp. Meaning in life? Check. Guilt trip? Double-check.
Being Spiritual ..And the journey of self actualisation begins ..