Book Review (p.1)
I had really good time with Expressionism by Norbert Wolf. As an essential trend in the world art, Expressionism is acknowledged for its expressiveness and intensity. Vibrant colors and sharp figures are usually applied, demonstrating rebellions by the creators. I felt impressed at the intensity and abstraction by some notable craftsmen belonging to this trend. Though it is not my most favorite trend, yet, I think Expressionism makes a relatively interesting trend in the world art. Norbert Wolf compiled this product with cleverness and thereby turned it appealing to most audience. I cannot deny the role of this art trend in the world art.
Besides, I enjoyed Cubism by Anne Gantefuhrer-Trier a lot. This was great, as one of the major trends in world art, Cubism undeniably left remarkable impression on several audience. This trend is well-known for its novelty, bizarity and abstraction. With a number of novel crafts featured primary artists, some of whom were considered revolutionary, Cubism is undoubtedly a hallmark movement in the world art. This movement truly challenged the audience's perspectives towards creative process. Anne Gantefuhrer-Trier further enhanced the fascination of this product throughout contextual analysis and detailed illustrations.
I would highly recommend History of Italian Renaissance Art by Frederick Hatt: This publication seemed really comprehensive for its provision of the entire history of the Italian Renaissance Art. It included the major artists of the time, lives and products. In my opinion, this is quite comprehensive regarding the matter of art, architecture and sculpture during a brilliant era in human's history. Frederick Hatt made substantial efforts in compiling this product and I discovered a lot of interesting perspectives related to an essential aspect of humanity.
From my personal perspective, the Lives of the Artists by Giorgio Vasari was lovely. Similar to H.W. Janson, Giorgio Vasari makes a well-known author in terms of world art history. The Lives of the Artists portrayed the major artists in Europe, including their life and products, the primary trends, as well as relevant historical and social contexts. These perspectives were comprehensive and detailed. Another notable point is that relevant analysis of social contexts were included. In my opinion, this is a must-have for anyone interested in European art.
I had an undeniably great time enjoying The Short Story of Art by Susie Hodge: Susie Hodge compiled this product so well by portraying the major movements in the modern art history in the United States. Her audience can discover some primary trends in creative arts from the early age in history to the modern era. Not to mention, it successfully depicted the contradiction of modern arts placed in turbulent and conflicting social contexts.
It would definitely make a huge mistake for me if I forget to mention History of Art by H. W. Janson. Undeniably, History of Art by H.W. Janson makes a comprehensive work of world art history. It summarizes the major trends in the world art over its course of history. This craft portrayed the primary trends and provides the relevant historical contexts of the most influential artists. I think History of Art then makes a decent briefing of the world art and this is a must-have for people interested in the world art.
In addition, An Nam's Art by Henri Gourdon was really interesting to me. Henri Gourdon composed this comprehensive depiction of major art trends in the exclusive South East Asia region. His audience, even the novice ones, then, can figure out the major movements and insightful analysis relating to the art trends in this particular region. Besides, this product provided relevant historical settings and showcased clever linguistic expressions. I think this makes an inevitable product in terms of regional art history.
I also had a great time enjoying Edward Hopper by Rolf Gunter Renner. This painter was acknowledged as one of the notable figures in the US art history. He left unforgettable impression for his unique style. His crafts did not only portray the contemporary American society especially within the urban settings, with different destinies, but also portrayed subtle sense of urban solitude, coupled with delicate sentimentality. In terms of this aspect, his crafts were able to trigger lingering feelings for his audience, and hence remained memorable. I had a positive memory of his paintings and his subtlety was unforgettable.