After crossing the line too many times, Loki (the God of Mischief) is banished from Asgard into the body of an 11-year-old boy on Earth. Using doodles and comic strips, he must navigate moral improvement whilst living as a boy without using any of his powers.
·???????My favourite character was Loki because it was very entertaining to focus on a character that is naughty but not necessarily evil.
·???????None of the characters were real in themselves because most were based on mythological creatures, but I could relate to Loki’s journey because I think all good-natured people will want to learn as well.
·???????The story does make you wonder if Loki would ever be able to go back home.
·???????My favourite part of the book was when Loki decided to help Valerie, a student at his school, because he showed that even naughty people are capable of being kind if they are not inherently evil.
·???????The certain types of scenes that were written particularly well was the conversations that were presented as cartoon strips because it makes young readers feel like they are in that moment with the characters, thus connecting to them more whether they like them or not.
·???????The story made me laugh especially as the book was a non-tense argument between father and son (Loki and Odin (in diary form)), and seeing Loki being cheeky in a fun but not bad way.
·???????The points system is gripping as it made me wonder whether Loki would get enough points to go home or not.
Content Review
·???????I am glad that the ending is a cliff-hanger (SPOILER ALERT!) because it means the reader can find out more about Loki’s adventures.
·???????I did like Loki except when he humiliated Valerie because the way he did reminded me about when I was humiliated that way in school. It was horrible, but I am glad that unlike my bullies, Loki saw the error of his ways.
·???????I think the theme of moral improvement is good for kids because it showed that we are all learning every day to be good people.
If you like ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ series or Marvel’s Thor and Loki, this is right up your street. Also good for any young reader struggling to read or doesn’t like books with lots of words in.