Book Review by The Journal of EAP
The Journal of EAP has reviewed the Fifth International EAP Compendium.
The fifth iteration of the International Employee Assistance Compendium, edited by Dr. Dale Masi and sponsored by Lyra Health, affords its readers a big picture view of the global reach of the contemporary Employee Assistance Program movement.
Since its first edition as the International Employee Assistance Anthology in 1997, Dr. Masi has collected in-country authored reports of EAP developments, as more regions have embraced the benefits and value of Employee Assistance Programs. Expanded from 32 countries and regions in the 4th International EA Compendium, this 5th edition profiles 65 countries authored by 58 local experts from every inhabited continent, encapsulating the proliferation of workplace-based mental health services delivered by EAPs in their varied formats, enunciations, and circumstances.
Reviewed by Nancy Board, MSW, CEAP, and Bernie McCann, PhD, CEAP