Book review: How To Stop Worrying And Start Living

Book review: How To Stop Worrying And Start Living

So I started this year with the resolution of reading as many books as possible in my spare time. I used to be a voracious reader back during my school days but then in the quest of working on my career and binging series on OTT platforms, my hobbies took a backseat, until I realised that I can do both together!

I started with the book that I could relate with, the most - "How to Stop Worrying And Start Living", a masterpiece by Dale Carnegie. Its a non-fiction, self-help psychology book.

It took me some time to realise that unlike fiction books, this does not have cliff hangers. So, I myself had to stay motivated to read it everyday. But after a point, I also noticed that implementing the teachings of this book, in real life, did help me a lot to calm down in situations where I would have otherwise panicked. What kept me hooked, is the fact that the chapters are loaded with real life incidences and anecdotes, narrated by the author, which make you trust him and his methods, because you know that these are tried and tested.

I have many favourites from the book but here goes the best one

For every worry under the sun,
there is a remedy or there is none.
If there be one, hurry and find it.
If there be none, never mind it.

I just want to encourage all those who have been planning on starting to read, just choose a book that resonates with you and start it, and it would automatically become a habit. And to all the worried souls out there, do give this book a try, I am sure you won't be disappointed :)

#BookReview #HowToStopWorryingAndStartLiving #DaleCarnegie #NonFiction


