Book Review: HOOKED by Nir Eyal

Book Review: HOOKED by Nir Eyal

Having spent years in the video games and advertising industry as well as teaching a course at Stanford Graduate School of Business in applied consumer psychology, there are few people better placed to discus habit-forming products than Nir Eyal.

I first discovered Nir through his contributing author Ryan Hoover, whose tech-focussed blog I have followed for almost 2 years (he is also the Founder hugely popular site

Having written frequently for Forbes, TechCrunch and Psychology Today, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products is Nir’s first bow as a published author (and I am sure there are many more to come). The focus of the book is briefly summarised by the man himself in the 3 minute video below.

The Hook Model

The book is centred around our habitual use of technology with the centre-piece being “The Hook Model.” This is Nir Eyal’s creation and has been derived from a model created by Dr B. J. Fogg (Director of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University).

The Fogg Behavioural Model is represented by the following formula: B=MAT. Where M = motivation, A = ability, and T = trigger. MAT represents our opportunity and barriers ingto perform a habitual task i.e. checking Facebook.

Source: Nir Eyal (

Using well known examples of tech-heavyweights (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter e.t.c.) as well as a fascinating study about Bible App and how they are enhancing people’s experience of the Bible through technology. It makes it easier to understand the book, even if you do not have a particularly technology based background (if you know less about technology, this book is a great way to discover why and how new habits have evolved in the 21st century).

Discussing human perception and our own ‘twisted logic’ such as the scarcity, framing, anchoring and endowed progress effects bring simple everyday actions, such as buying a shirt, into the reality of how companies use our habits to their own gain.

Habit Your Way

I have always had a keen interest in how the brain works, and love reading about facts and scientifically backed ideas. Hooked does not disappoint, discussing how habits can take up to 5 months to create; those with depressive thoughts use the internet more; and the discovery of the nucleus accumbens (part of the brain that facilitates cravings).

Also advocating the 5 Why’s Technique as a fantastic tool for discovering the root-cause/trigger of peoples concious and sub-concious actions.

Our actions all have a purpose and when it comes to the reasons why we undertake them, past behaviours are key to building (and sticking to) new habits. Neural pathways are etched in our brains, which is why it can be hard to ‘get rid’ of bad habits.

Putting it all together

Some of the most interesting quotes/points from the book:

  • Habits are not created, they are built upon.
  • Any technology that significantly reduces steps to complete a task will have a high adoption rate.
  • The next big thing will come along and provide a better, more compelling hook.
  • Our brains are adapted to seek rewards that make us feel accepted, attractive, important and included.
  • Habitual products are built on the Frequency of use v.s. Perceived Utility.

Every chapter is followed with a summary of a few bullet points as well as action points, subtly titled “Do This Now.” Upon reading it for the first time, I decided not to act on them and enjoy reading the book. However, after reading the stirring final chapter, I re-read the summaries and began completing the action points.

We experience the habits of ourselves and others on a daily basis, some of which have been ingrained into society for centuries. Professor Ian Bogost sums up the current wave of habit-forming technologies as the “cigarette of this century” and he is right.

But, if used for good (something Nir constantly refers to), habit-forming technology is awesome!

p.s. You can buy Hooked by Nir Eyal from Amazon here: UK US

Paul Davies writes about the search for living a happier and healthier life. For more ideas and easy systems you can implement to change your life then join his free newsletter.


